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Transforming settlement and integration services during a pandemic
International Migration ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 , DOI: 10.1111/imig.13245
Valerie Preston 1 , John Shields 2 , Jayesh D'Souza 3

Settlement services are key to Canada's success in welcoming and integrating immigrants. Offered mainly in person prior to COVID-19 by non-governmental agencies reliant on and regulated by government funders, services were forced online and delivered by staff working remotely. We document this transition between September 2020 and September 2021 in Ontario, Canada and the conditions that influenced it. Surveys completed by workers and managers at member agencies of the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants reveal how agencies provided services and stabilized organizational resources and capacities. Their success is evident in staff satisfaction with management's responses to the pandemic. While our findings underscore the resilience of the agencies and their workforce, they also challenge many tenets of New Public Management. The survey and discussions with managers suggest that sustained and flexible funding, rapid and respectful communication between agencies and funders and collaborations with other agencies were key to overcoming pandemic challenges.



定居服务是加拿大成功欢迎和融合移民的关键。在 COVID-19 之前,服务主要由依赖政府资助者并受政府资助者监管的非政府机构亲自提供,这些服务被迫在线并由远程工作的工作人员提供。我们记录了 2020 年 9 月至 2021 年 9 月在加拿大安大略省发生的这一转变以及影响这一转变的条件。由安大略省移民服务机构理事会成员机构的工作人员和管理人员完成的调查揭示了各机构如何提供服务并稳定组织资源和能力。他们的成功体现在员工对管理层应对疫情的措施感到满意。虽然我们的研究结果强调了机构及其员工的复原力,但它们也挑战了新公共管理的许多原则。调查和与管理人员的讨论表明,持续和灵活的资助、机构和资助者之间快速和尊重的沟通以及与其他机构的合作是克服流行病挑战的关键。