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The layered RuBr3–RuI3 honeycomb system
Journal of Materials Chemistry C ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 , DOI: 10.1039/d3tc04718k
Danrui Ni 1 , Xianghan Xu 1 , Robert J. Cava 1

The layered RuBr3–RuI3 honeycomb structure solid solution was synthesized at high pressures. The crystal structures are centrosymmetric (space group R[3 with combining macron]) and based on honeycomb layers of spin ½ Ru3+. The solid solution switches from insulating to metallic between RuBr0.75I2.25 and RuBr0.50I2.50. A preliminary structure/property phase diagram is presented. Our results suggest that this solid solution may provide insight into the influence of disorder on spin–orbit-coupled quantum spin liquids.


层状 RuBr3-RuI3 蜂窝系统

在高压下合成了层状RuBr 3 -RuI 3蜂窝结构固溶体。晶体结构是中心对称的(空间群R[3 结合宏])并且基于自旋1/2 Ru 3+的蜂窝层。固溶体在 RuBr 0.75 I 2.25和 RuBr 0.50 I 2.50之间从绝缘体转变为金属体。给出了初步的结构/性能相图。我们的结果表明,这种固溶体可以深入了解无序对自旋轨道耦合量子自旋液体的影响。