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Activism across Borders since 1870: A Review Dossier
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859024000099
Jessica Reinisch

This essay introduces a review dossier dedicated to Daniel Laqua's Activism across Borders since 1870: Causes, Campaigns and Conflicts in and beyond Europe (London, 2023). The dossier features comments by four historians – Constance Bantman, Georgina Brewis, Nicole Robertson, and Mark Hurst – as well as a response from Laqua himself. Laqua's book provides a framework for studying different forms of transnational activism in connection to one another.


1870 年以来的跨境行动主义:回顾档案

本文介绍了丹尼尔·拉夸 (Daniel Laqua) 的评论档案1870 年以来的跨境行动主义:欧洲内外的原因、运动和冲突(伦敦,2023 年)。该档案收录了四位历史学家——康斯坦斯·班特曼、乔治娜·布鲁伊斯、妮可·罗伯逊和马克·赫斯特——的评论,以及拉夸本人的回应。拉夸的书为研究不同形式的跨国行动主义的相互联系提供了一个框架。