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Women, Workers, and Women Workers: Connections and Tensions in Transnational Activism
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859024000075
Nicole Robertson

Daniel Laqua's Activism across Borders since 1870 is an impressive contribution to scholarly research on transnational activism. It provides a detailed and innovative study of the connections but also the divisions between individuals, groups, and organizations. Laqua's approach and analysis interrogate the connectedness, transience, ambivalence, and marginality of transnational activism. He explores the complex relationship of campaigners, campaigns, and causes that crossed national boundaries, building a rich analysis of these interactions. This contribution engages with Activism across Borders with a particular emphasis on women, workers, and women workers. This perspective offers an analysis at the intersection of women's history and labour history. Among the themes considered are: campaigns that forged partnerships and amplified voices; women's transnational activism and national borders; and the divisions and differences among activists campaigning to improve working conditions.



丹尼尔·拉夸的自 1870 年以来的跨境行动主义对跨国行动主义的学术研究做出了令人印象深刻的贡献。它对个人、群体和组织之间的联系和分歧进行了详细和创新的研究。拉夸的方法和分析质疑跨国行动的关联性、短暂性、矛盾性和边缘性。他探索了跨国界的活动家、活动和事业之间的复杂关系,对这些相互作用进行了丰富的分析。此贡献涉及跨境行动主义特别强调妇女、工人和女工。这一观点提供了对妇女史和劳动史交叉点的分析。考虑的主题包括:建立伙伴关系和扩大声音的活动;妇女的跨国行动主义和国界;以及争取改善工作条件的积极分子之间的分歧和分歧。