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Constructing stronger interaction with polysulfides for faster conversion of Li2S2 to Li2S by Co-CoSe2@N, Se-doped carbon nanocages in lithium-sulfur batteries
Journal of Materials Science & Technology ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2024.02.014
Ming Zheng , Wei Wu , Ruijian Luo , Suhao Chen , Junzhe Zhao , Niancai Cheng

The transformation of LiS-LiS is indubitably the most crucial and labored rate-limiting step among the sophisticated reactions for the lithium-sulfur batteries (LSBs), the adjustment of which is anticipated to impede the shuttle effect. Herein, a N, Se dual-doped carbon nanocages embedded by Co-CoSe nanoparticles (Co-CoSe@NSeC) is employed as a functional coating layer on commercial separator to improve the performance of LSBs. The well-designed N, Se co-doped nanostructures endow the modified layer with a satisfactory capacity for blocking polysulfides. Both calculations and experiments jointly disclose that the LiS to LiS reaction, including the liquid-solid conversion, was prominently expedited both thermodynamically and electrodynamically. Consequently, the batteries fabricated with Co-CoSe@NSeC modified separator can deliver a favorable 764.2 mAh g with 8.0 C, accompanied by a salient long cycling lifespan (only 0.066 % at 1 C and 0.061 % under 2 C after 1000 and 2000 cycles), and a desired anode protection. In addition, despite a raised areal loading of 7.53 mg cm was introduced, the cells assembled by Co-CoSe@NSeC@PP are allowed to produce an outstanding initial behavior of 8.71 mAh cm under 0.2 C. This work may reinforce further explorations and serve with valuable insights into N, Se dual-doping materials for high-performance LSBs.


锂硫电池中的 Co-CoSe2@N、Se 掺杂碳纳米笼与多硫化物构建更强的相互作用,以更快地将 Li2S2 转化为 Li2S

LiS-LiS的转变无疑是锂硫电池(LSB)复杂反应中最关键和最费力的限速步骤,其调整预计会阻碍穿梭效应。在此,采用Co-CoSe纳米颗粒嵌入的N、Se双掺杂碳纳米笼(Co-CoSe@NSeC)作为商用隔膜上的功能涂层,以提高LSB的性能。精心设计的N、Se共掺杂纳米结构赋予修饰层良好的多硫化物阻挡能力。计算和实验共同揭示了 LiS2 到 LiS2 的反应,包括液-固转化,在热力​​学和电动力学方面都显着加快。因此,使用Co-CoSe@NSeC改性隔膜制造的电池在8.0 C下可提供良好的764.2 mAh g,并具有显着的长循环寿命(1000次和2000次循环后,1 C下仅为0.066%,2 C下仅为0.061%) ,以及所需的阳极保护。此外,尽管引入了 7.53 mg cm 的面积负载,但由 Co-CoSe@NSeC@PP 组装的电池在 0.2 C 下仍能产生 8.71 mAh cm 的出色初始行为。这项工作可以加强进一步的探索并服务对高性能 LSB 的 N、Se 双掺杂材料具有宝贵的见解。