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Consensus definitions in imported human schistosomiasis: a GeoSentinel and TropNet Delphi study
The Lancet Infectious Diseases ( IF 36.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(24)00080-x
Francesca Tamarozzi 1 , Cristina Mazzi 2 , Spinello Antinori 3 , Marta Arsuaga 4 , Sören L Becker 5 , Emmanuel Bottieau 6 , Daniel Camprubi-Ferrer 7 , Eric Caumes 8 , Alexandre Duvignaud 9 , Martin P Grobusch 10 , Stephane Jaureguiberry 11 , Sabine Jordan 12 , Andreas Mueller 13 , Andreas Neumayr 14 , Jose A Perez-Molina 15 , Joaquin Salas-Coronas 16 , Fernando Salvador 17 , Lina R Tomasoni 18 , Jaap J van Hellemond 19 , Stephen D Vaughan 20 , Linda J Wammes 21 , Lorenzo Zammarchi 22 , Dora Buonfrate 1 , Ralph Huits 1 , Lisette van Lieshout 23 , Federico Gobbi 24

Terminology in schistosomiasis is not harmonised, generating misunderstanding in data interpretation and clinical descriptions. This study aimed to achieve consensus on definitions of clinical aspects of schistosomiasis in migrants and returning travellers. We applied the Delphi method. Experts from institutions affiliated with GeoSentinel and TropNet, identified through clinical and scientific criteria, were invited to participate. Five external reviewers revised and pilot-tested the statements. Statements focusing on the definitions of acute or chronic; possible, probable, or confirmed; active; and complicated schistosomiasis were managed through REDCap and replies managed in a blinded manner. Round 1 mapped the definitions used by experts; subsequent rounds were done to reach consensus, or quantify disagreement, on the proposed statements. Data were analysed with percentages, medians, and IQRs of a 5-point Likert scale. The study was terminated on the basis of consensus or stability-related and time-related criteria. 28 clinicians and scientists met the criteria for experts. 25 (89%) of 28 experts replied to Round 1, 18 (64%) of 28 to Round 2, 19 (68%) of 28 to Round 3, and 21 (75%) of 28 to at least two rounds. High-level consensus (79–100% agreement and IQRs ≤1) was reached for all definitions. Consensus definitions will foster harmonised scientific and clinical communication and support future research and development of management guidelines for schistosomiasis.


输入性人类血吸虫病的共识定义:GeoSentinel 和 TropNet Delphi 研究

血吸虫病术语不统一,导致数据解释和临床描述产生误解。本研究旨在就移民和回国旅行者血吸虫病临床方面的定义达成共识。我们应用了德尔菲法。通过临床和科学标准确定的来自 GeoSentinel 和 TropNet 附属机构的专家受邀参加。五名外部审查员对这些声明进行了修订和试点测试。侧重于急性或慢性定义的陈述;可能的、很可能的或已确认的;积极的;复杂的血吸虫病通过 REDCap 进行管理,并以盲法方式管理回复。第一轮映射了专家使用的定义;随后的几轮讨论是为了就拟议的声明达成共识或量化分歧。数据采用 5 点李克特量表的百分比、中位数和 IQR 进行分析。该研究根据共识或稳定性相关和时间相关标准终止。 28 名临床医生和科学家符合专家标准。 28 名专家中有 25 名(89%)回复了第一轮,28 名专家中有 18 名(64%)回复了第二轮,28 名专家中有 19 名(68%)回复了第三轮,28 名专家中有 21 名(75%)回复了至少两轮。所有定义都达成了高层共识(79-100% 一致且 IQR ≤1)。共识定义将促进科学和临床的协调一致,并支持血吸虫病管理指南的未来研究和开发。