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Towards a territorialisation of the circular economy: the proximity of stakeholders and resources matters
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-09 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsae007
Chedrak Chembessi 1 , Sébastien Bourdin 2 , André Torre 3

This article explores the territorialisation of the circular economy (CE) and analyses how the geographical and organised proximities of stakeholders facilitate the mobilisation of local resources for CE projects. It focuses on two local CE initiatives in Quebec (Canada) and France, for which 70 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results highlight the importance of tangible and intangible territorial resources and demonstrate that geographical and organised proximities are crucial to the success of these initiatives. The relational dynamic between local players, stimulated by a sense of belonging and shared values, encourages commitment to CE. Thus, our study showcases the territorialisation of CE and emphasises the conditions enabling such activities to take root locally. This study has significant political implications and suggests the crucial role that local authorities must play in the deployment of CE projects.



本文探讨了循环经济 (CE) 的地域化,并分析了利益相关者的地理和组织上的邻近性如何促进循环经济项目调动当地资源。它重点关注魁北克(加拿大)和法国的两项当地 CE 举措,为此进行了 70 次半结构化访谈。结果强调了有形和无形领土资源的重要性,并表明地理和组织上的邻近性对于这些举措的成功至关重要。在归属感和共同价值观的刺激下,当地参与者之间的关系动态鼓励了对CE的承诺。因此,我们的研究展示了CE的地域化,并强调了使此类活动在当地扎根的条件。这项研究具有重大的政治意义,并表明地方当局在部署循环经济项目中必须发挥关键作用。