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When People Do Allyship: A Typology of Allyship Action
Personality and Social Psychology Review ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-09 , DOI: 10.1177/10888683241232732
Lucy De Souza 1 , Toni Schmader 1

Academic AbstractDespite increased popular and academic interest, there is conceptual ambiguity about what allyship is and the forms it takes. Viewing allyship as a practice, we introduce the typology of allyship action which organizes the diversity of ways that advantaged individuals seek to support those who are disadvantaged. We characterize allyship actions as reactive (addressing bias when it occurs) and proactive (fostering positive outcomes such as feelings of inclusion, respect, and capacity), both of which can vary in level of analysis (i.e., targeting oneself, one or a few other individuals, or institutions). We use this framework to profile six productive yet largely independent bodies of social psychological literature on social action and directly compare relative benefits and constraints of different actions. We suggest several future directions for empirical research, using the typology of allyship to understand when, where, and how different forms of allyship might succeed.Public AbstractDespite increased popular and academic interest in the word, people differ in what they believe allyship is and the forms it takes. Viewing allyship as a practice, we introduce a new way (the typology of allyship action) to describe how advantaged individuals seek to support those who are disadvantaged. We characterize allyship actions as reactive (addressing bias when it occurs) and proactive (increasing positive outcomes such as feelings of inclusion, respect, and capacity), both of which can vary in level (i.e., targeting oneself, one or a few other individuals, or institutions). We use this framework to profile six large yet mostly separate areas of social psychological research on social action and directly compare the relative benefits and limitations of different actions. We suggest several future directions for how the typology of allyship action can help us understand when, where, and how different forms of allyship might succeed.



学术摘要 尽管大众和学术界的兴趣日益浓厚,但关于什么是盟友及其采取的形式,概念上仍存在模糊性。将联盟视为一种实践,我们介绍了联盟行动的类型,该类型组织了优势个体寻求支持弱势群体的多种方式。我们将盟友行动描述为反应性(在偏见发生时解决偏见)和主动性(培养积极成果,例如包容感、尊重和能力),这两种行为的分析水平可能有所不同(即,针对自己、一个或几个人)其他个人或机构)。我们使用这个框架来描述关于社会行动的六个富有成效但基本上独立的社会心理学文献,并直接比较不同行动的相对利益和限制。我们提出了实证研究的几个未来方向,利用盟友关系的类型来理解不同形式的盟友关系何时、何地以及如何取得成功。 公共摘要尽管公众和学术界对这个词的兴趣不断增加,但人们对盟友关系的理解和理解存在差异。它所采取的形式。将盟友关系视为一种实践,我们引入了一种新的方式(盟友行动的类型学)来描述优势个体如何寻求支持弱势群体。我们将盟友行动描述为反应性(在偏见发生时解决偏见)和主动性(增加积极成果,例如包容感、尊重和能力),这两种行为的程度可能有所不同(即,针对自己、一个或几个其他人)或机构)。 我们使用这个框架来描述社会行为的社会心理学研究的六个大但大多独立的领域,并直接比较不同行为的相对好处和局限性。我们就盟友行动的类型如何帮助我们了解不同形式的盟友关系何时、何地以及如何取得成功提出了几个未来方向。