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Cost-utility analysis and impact on the environment of videoconference in pressure injury. A randomized controlled trial in individuals with spinal cord injury
Spinal Cord Series and Cases ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-08 , DOI: 10.1038/s41394-024-00621-w
Ingebjørg Irgens , Linn Kleven , Jana Midelfart-Hoff , Rolf Jelnes , Marcalee Alexander , Johan K. Stanghelle , Tiina Rekand

Study design

A prospective randomized controlled trial (RCT) in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) and ongoing pressure injury (PI).


The main aim was to perform a cost-utility analysis (CUA) alongside the RCT comparing regular care to regular care with additional videoconference consultations. Secondary aims were to assess costs and greenhouse gas emission related to transportation in the two study groups.


Two spinal cord units in Norway.


Participants were allocated to a regular care group (RCG) and a regular care group with additional videoconference (VCG), in a 1-year follow-up between 2016 and 2018. Costs were prospectively collected, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) data were collected at baseline and 12 months. The outcome was quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), derived from the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire. Results are reported as incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), expressed as the cost per additional QALY gained. Transportation related costs and environmental emissions were compared by t-tests.


There were 56 participants included, 28 in each group. Of these 27 in the VCG and 26 in the RCG completed. Three participants died. The mean cost per patient was € 8819 in the VCG and € 3607 in the RCG, with 0.1 QALYs gained in the VCG. No significant differences were identified regarding HRQoL or secondary outcomes.


The VCG costs € 5212 more for an additional 0.1 QALYs, giving an ICER of € 52,120 per QALY. No significant differences were found regarding transportation-related costs, or emission of greenhouse gases.

Trial registration

www.ClinicalTrials.gov; NCT02800915, TeleSCIpi. CRISTIN.no. https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=545284. Sunnaas Rehabilitation hospital’s web page, available at https://www.sunnaas.no/fag-og-forskning/fagstoff/sar.




一项针对脊髓损伤 (SCI) 和持续性压力损伤 (PI) 患者的前瞻性随机对照试验 (RCT)。


主要目的是在随机对照试验的同时进行成本效用分析 (CUA),比较常规护理和常规护理以及额外的视频会议咨询。次要目标是评估两个研究组与运输相关的成本和温室气体排放。




在 2016 年至 2018 年为期 1 年的随访中,参与者被分配到常规护理组 (RCG) 和附加视频会议的常规护理组 (VCG)。前瞻性收集费用以及与健康相关的生活质量 (HRQoL) ) 数据是在基线和 12 个月时收集的。结果是质量调整生命年 (QALY),源自 EQ-5D-5L 问卷。结果以增量成本效益比 (ICER) 的形式报告,表示为获得每额外 QALY 的成本。通过t检验比较运输相关成本和环境排放。


共有 56 名参与者,每组 28 人。其中 27 个在 VCG 中完成,26 个在 RCG 中完成。三名参与者死亡。VCG 中每位患者的平均费用为 8819 欧元,RCG 中每位患者的平均费用为 3607 欧元,VCG 中获得了 0.1 QALY。在 HRQoL 或次要结果方面没有发现显着差异。


每增加 0.1 个 QALY,VCG 的费用就增加 5212 欧元,每个 QALY 的 ICER 为 52,120 欧元。在运输相关成本或温室气体排放方面没有发现显着差异。


www.ClinicalTrials.gov;NCT02800915,TeleSCIpi。克里斯汀。没有。https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=545284。Sunnaas 康复医院的网页,网址为 https://www.sunnaas.no/fag-og-forskning/fagstoff/sar。
