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Hourly methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from temperate ponds
Biogeochemistry ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10533-024-01124-4
Jonas Stage Sø , Kenneth Thorø Martinsen , Theis Kragh , Kaj Sand-Jensen

Ponds are regarded as greenhouse gas (GHG) emission hot spots, but how hot are they? We examined this question by measuring methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in six forest and open land ponds on grasslands in Denmark during summer and winter. We used floating chambers with do-it-yourself sensors and automated headspace venting, allowing for 7404 hourly measurements. We found highly variable gas fluxes within ponds and between seasons and pond types. Ebullitive CH4 fluxes were more variable than diffusive CH4 fluxes. Ebullition was absent when total CH4 fluxes were lowest (15 µmol m−2 h−1), dominant (> 90%) at the highest fluxes (> 400 µmol m−2 h−1), and increased with water temperature. In summer, a minor daily increase in diffusive fluxes was found on days with high wind speed, while CH4 ebullition remained constant. CO2 fluxes paralleled the day-night balance of photosynthesis and respiration. Mean CH4 ebullition in open and forest ponds exceeded CH4 diffusive fluxes 4.1 and 7.1-fold in summer (avg. 22.5 °C) and 2.3 and 2.5-fold in winter (9.6 °C), respectively. CO2 emissions were higher on a molar basis than CH4 emissions, both in summer and winter, while their annual global warming potentials were similar. Mean annual gas emissions from open and forest ponds (1092 and 2527 g CO2e m−2 y−1) are naturally high due to extensive external input of dissolved CO2 and organic carbon relative to pond area and volume.



池塘被视为温室气体(GHG)排放热点,但它们到底有多热?我们通过测量夏季和冬季丹麦六个森林和草原上开阔地池塘的甲烷 (CH 4 ) 和二氧化碳 (CO 2 ) 通量来研究这个问题。我们使用带有 DIY 传感器和自动顶空通风的浮动室,每小时可进行 7404 次测量。我们发现池塘内以及季节和池塘类型之间的气体通量变化很大。沸腾CH 4通量比扩散CH 4通量变化更大。当总CH 4通量最低(15 µmol m -2  h -1 )时不存在沸腾,在最高通量(> 400 µmol m -2  h -1)时占主导地位(> 90%),并且随着水温的增加而增加。夏季,在高风速的日子里,扩散通量每日略有增加,而 CH 4沸腾保持恒定。 CO 2通量与光合作用和呼吸的昼夜平衡平行。露天和森林池塘的平均CH 4沸腾在夏季(平均22.5 °C)分别超过CH 4扩散通量4.1 和7.1 倍,在冬季(平均9.6 °C)分别超过2.3 和2.5 倍。无论是夏季还是冬季,按摩尔计算, CO 2排放量都高于 CH 4排放量,而它们的年全球变暖潜势相似。由于相对于池塘面积和体积而言,溶解CO 2和有机碳的大量外部输入,露天池塘和森林池塘的平均年气体排放量(1092 和2527 g CO 2 e m -2  y -1)自然较高。
