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Visitors' and non-visitors' destination food images: How do they vary in Egypt?
Tourism Management Perspectives ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2024.101241
Mohamed E. Mohamed , Xinran Y. Lehto , Carl Behnke

Food image is increasingly recognized as a source of destination brand building; however, food image variations between different tourist groups are not well understood. Using projective techniques, this study captures the variation of food images among visitors and non-visitors to Egypt. Differences exist in four food image domains: food health and quality, food accessibility and dining places, food production and cooking methods, and food culture and heritage. Findings support the dynamic nature of tourist food images. Non-visitors held predominantly generic, cognitive-based, and holistic food image perceptions. In contrast, visitor food images were complex, specific, and more accurate. The study advances the literature by clarifying how non-visitors abstract and identity-centric stereotypes develop into concrete experiential-based food images. The identified image congruences and gaps offer a basis for positioning and developing food tourism products for Egypt and similar destinations. The results help destinations tailor their marketing strategies to different visitor groups.


