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Long‐term implications of childhood and adolescent popularity for social behavior and status in emerging adulthood
Social Development ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-07 , DOI: 10.1111/sode.12735
Nina S. Chmielowice‐Szymanski 1 , Tessa A. M. Lansu 1 , William J. Burk 1 , Yvonne H. M. van den Berg 1 , Antonius H. N. Cillessen 1

Peer status is associated with social functioning throughout childhood and adolescence, but little is known about its’ long‐term implications. This study examined longitudinal associations of childhood and adolescent popularity with social behavior and status in emerging adulthood. In line with concurrent associations of popularity with social behavior, we hypothesized that childhood popularity would be associated with a positive, prosocial profile, and adolescent popularity would be associated with a powerful and forceful profile. As research has shown curvilinear associations of popularity with aggression in childhood and adolescence, we also examined whether longitudinal associations were curvilinear. Peer‐nominated popularity was measured at 9 and 16 years of age for 118 longitudinal participants. At age 24, they participated in a survey and an online video call session together with three unfamiliar peers, after which everyone in the session rated each other's social behavior. Results showed significant curvilinear associations of childhood and adolescent popularity with emerging adult social behavior and status. Childhood popularity was associated with positive, prosocial behavior and status indicators, showing that in addition to high childhood popularity, also low childhood popularity was associated with higher peer‐reported positive, prosocial behavior. High adolescent popularity was associated with both positive, prosocial, and powerful and forceful behavior and status indicators, with especially low adolescent popularity associated with lower levels of these behaviors and status in emerging adulthood. Childhood and adolescent popularity were thus uniquely and differentially associated with social behavior and status in emerging adulthood.



同伴地位与整个童年和青春期的社会功能有关,但对其长期影响却知之甚少。这项研究考察了童年和青少年受欢迎程度与成年初期社会行为和地位的纵向关联。根据受欢迎程度与社会行为的同时关联,我们假设童年受欢迎程度将与积极的、亲社会的形象相关,而青少年受欢迎程度将与强大而有力的形象相关。由于研究表明童年和青春期的受欢迎程度与攻击性之间存在曲线关联,因此我们还研究了纵向关联是否是曲线的。同行提名的受欢迎程度是在 118 名纵向参与者的 9 岁和 16 岁时进行测量的。24 岁时,他们与三个陌生的同龄人一起参加了一项调查和在线视频通话会议,之后会议中的每个人都对彼此的社交行为进行了评分。结果显示,儿童和青少年受欢迎程度与成人社会行为和地位之间存在显着的曲线关联。童年受欢迎程度与积极的亲社会行为和状态指标相关,这表明除了童年受欢迎程度高之外,童年受欢迎程度低也与同伴报告的积极亲社会行为较高相关。青少年的高受欢迎程度与积极、亲社会、强有力的行为和地位指标相关,尤其是青少年受欢迎程度较低与成年初期这些行为和地位水平较低有关。因此,童年和青少年的受欢迎程度与成年初期的社会行为和地位有着独特且不同的联系。