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The effect of front-of-package nutrition labelling on product composition
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-07 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbae004
Christoph Bauner 1 , Rajib Rahman

We analyse the effect of front-of-package nutrition labelling using the example of France, where Nutri-Score was adopted in 2017. Our focus is on changes in available products, i.e. on producer choices rather than consumer choices. Employing a difference-in-differences approach, we find that products introduced or altered after the change receive better Nutri-Score ratings than those introduced before the adoption, indicating a shift to items that are healthier overall. In addition, there is some evidence of bunching at the cutoffs for better Nutri-Score grades, which suggests that the improvements are at least in part a strategic reaction to the Nutri-Score introduction.



我们以法国为例分析了包装正面营养标签的影响,该国于 2017 年采用了 Nutri-Score。我们的重点是现有产品的变化,即生产者的选择而不是消费者的选择。采用双重差异法,我们发现在变革之后引入或改变的产品比采用之前引入的产品获得更好的营养评分,这表明转向了总体上更健康的产品。此外,有一些证据表明,为了获得更好的 Nutri-Score 等级,人们在临界点上聚集,这表明这些改进至少在一定程度上是对 Nutri-Score 引入的战略反应。