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Fluorotelomer ethoxylates cause developmental toxicity in mice
Environmental Science: Advances ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-07 , DOI: 10.1039/d3va00305a
Katherine L. Steeves 1 , Jenna Hanrahan 1 , Nikita E. Harvey 1 , Karl J. Jobst 1 , Lindsay S. Cahill 1, 2

Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances are a ubiquitous class of compounds which are considered persistent organic pollutants. Many of these compounds are unregulated and understudied but are still widely used. One group of these compounds are fluorotelomer ethoxylates, which recently emerged as compounds of interest following their detection in the environment. To determine the health impacts of these persistent compounds, healthy pregnant CD-1 mice were exposed to 0 ng L−1 (n = 8), 5 ng L−1 (n = 8), or 100 ng L−1 (n = 7) fluorotelomer ethoxylates in drinking water throughout gestation. At gestational day 17.5 (term is 18.5 days), high-frequency ultrasound was performed to investigate the placental and fetal hemodynamic responses following exposure. Maternal exposure to fluorotelomer ethoxylates showed evidence of placental insufficiency, with a significant increase in placental weights (p < 0.05), a decrease in the umbilical artery blood flow (p < 0.01) and vasodilation of the cerebral circulation (p < 0.01), consistent with brain sparing to preserve oxygen delivery to the brain. These results demonstrate that fluorotelomer ethoxylates cause developmental toxicity and motivate further work to evaluate the risk to human pregnancies and other vulnerable populations.



多氟烷基和全氟烷基物质是一类普遍存在的化合物,被认为是持久性有机污染物。其中许多化合物不受监管且研究不足,但仍被广泛使用。其中一组化合物是含氟调聚物乙氧基化物,最近在环境中检测到它们后成为令人感兴趣的化合物。为了确定这些持久性化合物对健康的影响,健康怀孕的 CD-1 小鼠暴露于 0 ng L -1 ( n = 8)、5 ng L -1 ( n = 8) 或 100 ng L -1 ( n = 7) 整个妊娠期间饮用水中的氟调聚物乙氧基化物。在妊娠第 17.5 天(足月为 18.5 天)时,进行高频超声检查以研究暴露后胎盘和胎儿的血流动力学反应。母亲暴露于氟调聚物乙氧基化物显示出胎盘功能不全的证据,胎盘重量显着增加(p <0.05),脐动脉血流量减少(p <0.01)和脑循环血管舒张(p <0.01),一致保留大脑以保持氧气输送到大脑。这些结果表明,含氟调聚物乙氧基化物会导致发育毒性,并激发进一步的工作来评估对人类怀孕和其他弱势群体的风险。