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Consumers' concerns and the role of blockchain technology in mobile food delivery applications
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2024.100877
Khuram Shahzad , Qingyu Zhang , Abaid Ullah Zafar , Muhammad Faisal Shahzad , Wenping Liu

The use of blockchain technology (BT) is transforming consumer behavior and enhancing business values, but its role in the context of mobile food delivery applications (MFDAs) is underexplored. Therefore, this study utilizes stimulus–organism–response theory to determine consumers' willingness to pay more (WPM) and behavioral intention to use BT-enabled MFDAs. The empirical analysis was conducted using the structural equation modeling approach. The findings establish that traceability, transparency, and privacy assurance positively influence consumers' perceived values. Furthermore, IT knowledge positively moderates the relationships between privacy assurance, traceability, and perceived value. Further, perceived value positively impacts WPM and behavioral intention. Finally, consumers' trust in BT moderates the relationships between perceived value, WPM, and behavioral intention to use BT-enabled MFDAs. MFDA platforms should ensure the applicability of BT on a priority basis and operationalize it to meet consumers’ needs and demands.



区块链技术 (BT) 的使用正在改变消费者行为并提高商业价值,但其在移动食品配送应用 (MFDA) 背景下的作用尚未得到充分探索。因此,本研究利用刺激-有机体-反应理论来确定消费者支付更多费用的意愿 (WPM) 和使用支持 BT 的 MFDA 的行为意图。使用结构方程建模方法进行实证分析。研究结果表明,可追溯性、透明度和隐私保证对消费者的感知价值观产生积极影响。此外,IT 知识积极调节隐私保证、可追溯性和感知价值之间的关系。此外,感知价值对 WPM 和行为意图产生积极影响。最后,消费者对 BT 的信任调节感知价值、WPM 和使用支持 BT 的 MFDA 的行为意图之间的关系。 MFDA 平台应优先确保 BT 的适用性,并对其进行操作以满足消费者的需求和需求。