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Discovering flamenco show audience tourists’ profile: Sentiment analysis, opinions and attitudes
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2024.100876
Lucía García-García , Miguel Ángel Solano-Sánchez , Tomás López-Guzmán , Salvador Moral-Cuadra

The aim of this work is to unveil the relationships between the socio-demographic profile of tourists attracted by flamenco shows and their opinions and perceptions about the importance of music in general and flamenco in particular as a motivation to travel, their interest and preference for flamenco and flamenco shows. The methodology employed is an artificial neural network to estimate a specific socio-demographic profile of tourists interested in attending flamenco shows, taking as the basis the prearranged input values, that is, the responses to Likert questions gathered through a survey. The network allows these responses to be customised, obtaining a “composite sketch” of the tourists’ socio-demographic profile determined based on these responses.


