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Frontline employees' responses to citizens' communication of administrative burdens
Public Administration Review ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-06 , DOI: 10.1111/puar.13800
Aske Halling 1 , Niels Bjørn Grund Petersen 2

The literature on administrative burdens demonstrates that citizens may experience different kinds of administrative burdens when interacting with the state. However, we know little about whether citizens' communication of these experiences affects how frontline employees implement compliance demands. Building on the street‐level bureaucracy and administrative burden literature, we hypothesize that citizens' communication of direct and indirect psychological costs affects frontline employees' inclination to accommodate citizens. Furthermore, we expect this effect to be stronger for members of the ethnic majority than for ethnic minority members. We test these expectations using a preregistered survey experiment on a sample of 1048 Danish public caseworkers from 32 employment agencies. Results show that frontline employees are indeed more willing to reduce demands and help citizens that communicate their experiences of direct and indirect psychological costs. Further, we find some evidence that frontline employees are more responsive to citizens from the ethnic majority.



有关行政负担的文献表明,公民在与国家互动时可能会经历不同类型的行政负担。然而,我们对公民的这些经历的交流是否会影响一线员工如何执行合规要求知之甚少。基于街道官僚机构和行政负担文献,我们假设公民对直接和间接心理成本的沟通会影响一线员工迁就公民的倾向。此外,我们预计这种效应对多数族裔成员的影响会比对少数族裔成员的影响更大。我们使用预先注册的调查实验对来自 32 家就业机构的 1048 名丹麦公共案例工作者进行样本测试,以测试这些预期。结果表明,一线员工确实更愿意减少要求并帮助公民传达直接和间接心理成本的经历。此外,我们发现一些证据表明,一线员工对多数族裔公民的反应更积极。