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Fractal dimension analysis of financial performance of resulting companies after mergers and acquisitions
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2024.114683
Shubham Kumar Verma , Satish Kumar

This study primarily focuses on financial performance after mergers and acquisitions of resulting companies. We have taken the eleven years data of resulting companies of mergers and acquisitions took place in the financial years 2016-17 & 2017-18 from the Bloomberg database. In which, we analyse pre-and post-mergers and acquisitions, considering four years data of pre- and four years post. Further, analyze the factor influencing financial performance and how to overcome them with their long term strategy. In this study, we run regression model to get coefficients, and further use that to put into interpolation fractal function to elaborate the conditions of the mergers and acquisitions. We find the most of the companies have their positive impact on financial performance after mergers and acquisitions. However, overall impact may be reflected in net income which leads to increase in their annual accounts of the particular firms. Some of the factors show the big troubles due to non-avoidable elements. Accordingly, we evaluate overall impact on their financial performance elements i.e. net income, EBIT, etc. of resulting companies.



本研究主要关注并购后公司的财务绩效。我们从彭博数据库中获取了 2016-17 和 2017-18 财年发生并购的公司的 11 年数据。其中,我们分析了并购前后的情况,考虑了并购前后四年的数据。此外,分析影响财务绩效的因素以及如何通过长期战略克服这些因素。在本研究中,我们运行回归模型来获取系数,并进一步将其代入插值分形函数来详细说明并购的条件。我们发现大多数公司并购后对财务业绩产生了积极的影响。然而,总体影响可能会反映在净利润上,从而导致特定公司的年度账目增加。一些因素表明,由于不可避免的因素,造成了很大的麻烦。因此,我们评估对其财务业绩要素的总体影响,即最终公司的净利润、息税前利润等。