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Social capital and the intergenerational transmission of cultural capital: How parents’ social networks influence children's accumulation of cultural capital
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101873
Andreas Roaldsnes

How does families’ social networks influence the transmission of cultural capital to their children? Earlier research on this process has mainly focused on within-family mechanisms, and the role of social capital as conceptualized by Pierre Bourdieu has here received little attention. This article explores this question through a study of parents’ social ties and parents’ and children's cultural, leisurely, and athletic practices, using Geometric Data Analysis and regression analysis of data on children ( = 4754) and their parents in the city of Bergen, Norway. The analysis finds that parents with social ties to higher status occupations have children that are more often exposed to traditional legitimate forms of culture, also when other familial resources are controlled for. When ties composition is heterogeneous, composed of both working class and elite ties, elite ties shape cultural consumption. The study finds evidence of Bourdieu's multiplier hypothesis, that returns from other capitals is multiplied by social capital, also that high volumes of social capital can compensate somewhat for having no cultural capital. Within-family characteristics are key to understanding the intergenerational transmission of cultural capital, but significant support for this process may be found in parents’ social networks.



家庭的社交网络如何影响文化资本向孩子的传递?早期对这一过程的研究主要集中在家庭内部机制,而皮埃尔·布迪厄概念中的社会资本的作用在这里很少受到关注。本文通过对卑尔根市儿童 (= 4754) 及其父母的数据进行几何数据分析和回归分析,通过对父母的社会关系以及父母和孩子的文化、休闲和运动实践的研究来探讨这个问题,挪威。分析发现,在其他家庭资源受到控制的情况下,与较高地位的职业有社会联系的父母的孩子更经常接触传统的合法文化形式。当关系构成呈现异质性时,即由工人阶级关系和精英关系组成时,精英关系就会塑造文化消费。该研究发现了布迪厄乘数假设的证据,即来自其他资本的回报乘以社会资本,而且大量的社会资本可以在一定程度上补偿没有文化资本的情况。家庭内部特征是理解文化资本代际传递的关键,但这一过程的重要支持可以在父母的社交网络中找到。