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Exponential lower bound for the eigenvalues of the time-frequency localization operator before the plunge region
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.acha.2024.101639
Aleksei Kulikov

For a pair of sets the time-frequency localization operator is defined as , where is the Fourier transform and are projection operators onto and Ω, respectively. We show that in the case when both and Ω are intervals, the eigenvalues of satisfy if , where is arbitrary and , provided that . This improves the result of Bonami, Jaming and Karoui, who proved it for . The proof is based on the properties of the Bargmann transform.



对于一对集合,时频定位算子定义为 ,其中 是傅里叶变换, 是 和 Ω 上的投影算子。我们证明,当 和 Ω 都是区间时, 的特征值满足 if ,其中 是任意的并且 ,前提是 。这提高了 Bonami、Jaming 和 Karoui 的成绩,他们证明了这一点。证明基于巴格曼变换的性质。