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Development of a Scalable Synthesis of a Drug-Linker for ABBV-3373
Organic Process Research & Development ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.3c00447
Nathan B. Bennett 1 , Bradley D. Gates 1 , Justin A. Simanis 1 , James W. Treadway 2 , Steven M. Richter 1 , Dennie S. Welch 1

A scalable process to produce glucocorticoid-bearing drug-linker 1, utilized in the conjugation with the monoclonal antibody (mAb) adalimumab, has been developed. The route improves upon the first-generation approach through a more convergent assembly of the linker and warhead. Optimization and insights into the key transformations are discussed, including a challenging acetonide deprotection, acetal formation under strongly acidic conditions, and amide coupling and purification.


ABBV-3373 药物连接体的可扩展合成的开发

已经开发出一种可扩展的工艺来生产带有糖皮质激素的药物接头 1,用于与单克隆抗体 (mAb) 阿达木单抗结合。该路线通过更集中的连接器和弹头组装对第一代方法进行了改进。讨论了关键转化的优化和见解,包括具有挑战性的丙酮化物脱保护、强酸性条件下的缩醛形成以及酰胺偶联和纯化。