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Expression of bond-related behaviors affects titi monkey responsiveness to oxytocin and vasopressin treatments
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15119
Lynea R. Witczak 1, 2 , Jaclyn Samra 1 , Madison Dufek 2 , Leana R. Goetze 2 , Sara M. Freeman 2, 3 , Allison R. Lau 2, 4 , Emily S. Rothwell 2, 4 , Logan E. Savidge 1, 2 , Rocío Arias‐del Razo 1, 2 , Alexander Baxter 1, 2 , Chloe L. Karaskiewicz 1, 2 , Emilio Ferrer 1 , Karen L. Bales 1, 2, 4, 5

Social bonds influence physiology and behavior, which can shape how individuals respond to physical and affective challenges. Coppery titi monkey (Plecturocebus cupreus) offspring form selective bonds with their fathers, making them ideal for investigating how father–daughter bonds influence juveniles’ responses to oxytocin (OT) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP) manipulations. We quantified the expression of father–daughter bond-related behaviors in females (n = 10) and gave acute intranasal treatments of saline, low/medium/high OT, low/high AVP, or an OT receptor antagonist (OTA) to subjects prior to a parent preference test. While females spent more time in proximity to their parents than strangers, we found a large degree of individual variation. Females with greater expression of bonding behaviors responded to OT treatments in a dose-dependent manner. Subjects also spent less time in proximity to strangers when treated with High OT (p = 0.003) and Low OT (p = 0.007), but more time when treated with High AVP (p = 0.007), Low AVP (p = 0.009), and OTA (p = 0.001). Findings from the present study suggest that variation in the expression of bond-related behaviors may alter responsiveness to OT and AVP, increasing engagement with unfamiliar social others. This enhanced sociality with strangers may promote the formation of pair bonds with partners.



社会纽带影响生理和行为,从而影响个人应对身体和情感挑战的方式。铜斑猴 ( Plecturocebus cupreus ) 的后代与父亲形成选择性联系,这使它们成为研究父女关系如何影响幼年猴对催产素 (OT) 和精氨酸加压素 (AVP) 操作的反应的理想选择。我们量化了女性 ( n = 10)中父女关系相关行为的表达,并在之前对受试者进行了盐水、低/中/高 OT、低/高 AVP 或 OT 受体拮抗剂 (OTA) 的急性鼻内治疗。进行家长偏好测试。虽然女性与父母相处的时间比陌生人多,但我们发现存在很大程度的个体差异。表现出更多亲密行为的女性对 OT 治疗的反应呈剂量依赖性。当接受高 OT ( p = 0.003) 和低 OT ( p = 0.007)治疗时,受试者与陌生人接触的时间也更少,但接受高 AVP ( p = 0.007)、低 AVP ( p = 0.009)治疗时,受试者与陌生人接触的时间更长。和 OTA(p = 0.001)。本研究的结果表明,与纽带相关的行为表达的变化可能会改变对 OT 和 AVP 的反应,从而增加与不熟悉的社会他人的接触。这种与陌生人增强的社交性可能会促进与伴侣之间结对关系的形成。