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Does she belong here? Women in leadership positions and organizational performance in gendered institutions
Public Administration Review ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1111/puar.13806
Sungjoo Choi 1 , Yeongjun Ko 2

Gender diversity in leadership positions may not always bring desirable outcomes for an organization as diversity researchers have argued. Female leaders are less likely to contribute to effectiveness of their organization when it is male‐dominated and has strong masculine culture. We tested a nonlinear relationship between gender diversity at the top and organizational performance and the moderating effect of a female critical mass in an organization. Time‐series data were collected from state‐owned enterprises and quasi‐governmental organizations affiliated with the Korean government and were analyzed through fixed‐effects panel regressions. The results show that gender diversity on executive boards has an inverted U‐shaped relationship with organizational performance. The positive effect of gender diversity on executive boards on organizational performance increases up to a certain level, beyond which the diversity effect turns negative. Curvilinear relationships were found to be flatter in more gender‐balanced organizational settings, suggesting that the negative effect of gender diversity at the top is likely to increase to a lesser extent than in male‐skewed settings.



正如多样性研究人员所认为的那样,领导职位的性别多样性并不总是能为组织带来理想的结果。当组织由男性主导且具有浓厚的男性文化时,女性领导者不太可能为组织的有效性做出贡献。我们测试了高层性别多样性与组织绩效之间的非线性关系以及组织中女性临界群体的调节作用。时间序列数据是从韩国政府所属的国有企业和准政府组织收集的,并通过固定效应面板回归进行分析。结果表明,执行董事会的性别多样性与组织绩效呈倒 U 形关系。执行董事会性别多元化对组织绩效的正向影响增加到一定程度,超过该水平则多元化效应转为负向。研究发现,在性别更加平衡的组织环境中,曲线关系更加平坦,这表明高层性别多样性的负面影响可能比在男性偏重的环境中增加的程度要小。