Erwerbs-Obstbau ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10341-024-01049-0 Swarajya Laxmi Nayak , Shruti Sethi , Anil Kumar Dubey , Arpan Bhowmik , Vijay Paul
This research aims to establish a link between advanced fruit maturity during on-tree storage and granulation incidence across nine commercially cultivated citrus genotypes. The focus was on understanding how on-tree storage impacts the incidence and severity of granulation, ranging from its onset to severe damage. Fruits were harvested at their optimal stage and monitored at 20-day intervals for up to 60 days of on-tree storage. Observations were made regarding various physico-chemical and functional attributes throughout this period. As granulation advanced, not only the juice vesicles undergo morphological changes but also the overall physical and functional quality of the fruit altered. Among the studied citrus cultivars, ‘Minneola’ was notably affected, displaying a granulation percentage exceeding 50% with increasing severity during on-tree storage. Physico-chemical traits significantly declined in stage IV compared to stage I. Granulated fruits exhibited notably lower total flavonoid content (16.25 mg quercetin equivalent/100g). Ascorbic acid content and total antioxidant activity shared a strong negative correlation with the degree of granulation, while respiration rate was positively correlated. R software was used for non-hierarchical K‑medoids (partitioning around medoids [PAM]) clustering to categorize genotypes based on their susceptibility to granulation at different harvesting stages, resulting in four distinct groups. Extended on-tree storage exacerbates both the incidence and severity of granulation in susceptible citrus genotypes such as ‘Minneola,’ ‘Dancy’ tangerine, and sweet oranges, making it an unadvised practice. However, on-tree storage of citrus genotypes such as ‘Pummelo Red Flesh,’ ‘Pummelo White Flesh,’ ‘Duncan,’ and ‘Marsh Seedless’ can potentially extend the marketable period by up to 2 months with minimal incidence of granulation.

本研究旨在建立九种商业栽培柑橘基因型树上储存期间果实提前成熟与粒化发生率之间的联系。重点是了解树上储存如何影响粒化的发生率和严重程度,从其发生到严重损害。果实在最佳阶段收获,并每隔 20 天进行监测,树上储存时间长达 60 天。在此期间对各种物理化学和功能属性进行了观察。随着造粒的进展,不仅果汁泡发生形态变化,而且水果的整体物理和功能品质也发生改变。在所研究的柑橘品种中,“Minneola”受到的影响最为显着,在树上储存期间,成粒率超过 50%,且严重程度不断增加。与第一阶段相比,第四阶段的理化性状显着下降。颗粒状果实的总黄酮含量显着降低(16.25毫克槲皮素当量/100克)。抗坏血酸含量和总抗氧化活性与颗粒化程度呈较强的负相关,而呼吸速率则呈正相关。R 软件用于非分层 K-medoids(围绕 medoids 分区 [PAM])聚类,根据不同收获阶段对颗粒化的敏感性对基因型进行分类,从而产生四个不同的组。长期在树上储存会加剧敏感柑橘基因型(如“明尼奥拉”、“丹西”橘和甜橙)粒化的发生率和严重程度,使其成为一种不明智的做法。然而,柑橘基因型(如“柚子红肉”、“柚子白肉”、“邓肯”和“沼泽无籽”)的树上储存可以将适销期延长长达 2 个月,同时将粒化发生率降至最低。