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Chronic inflammation as a proposed risk factor for ocular surface squamous neoplasia
The Ocular Surface ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtos.2024.02.006
Sofia De Arrigunaga 1 , Sarah Wall 2 , Despoina Theotoka 2 , Asaf Friehmann 3 , Matthew Camacho 4 , Sander Dubovy 5 , Anat Galor 6 , Carol L Karp 1

Chronic inflammation is a predisposing factor for metaplastic changes and ultimately dysplasia. We describe cases of OSSN occurring in the setting of chronic ocular surface inflammation. Sixteen eyes from 14 individuals were included from one ocular oncology clinic between 2010 and 2023. Patients presented with ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) in the setting of chronic inflammation. The diagnosis of OSSN was made using anterior segment high-resolution optical coherence tomography (HR-OCT) and confirmed by histopathological analysis in all cases. Median age on presentation was 61 [IQR 47.5–69.2] years. Eleven (86%) individuals were male and five (36%) identified as White Hispanic. Ten eyes were referred with ocular surface diagnoses including pannus (n = 4), scarring (n = 3), pterygium (n = 2), and herpetic keratitis (n = 1). Only six eyes were referred as possible neoplasia. All individuals had a history of ocular surface inflammation. The most common inflammatory conditions were ocular rosacea (seven individuals) and atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC) (five individuals). Two individuals were found to have bilateral OSSN, one in the setting of ocular rosacea and the other in the setting of AKC. All 16 eyes from 14 individuals were suspected to have OSSN based on HR-OCT findings which guided the location of the incisional biopsies that subsequently confirmed histopathological diagnosis in all cases. OSSN may arise in the setting of chronic inflammation on the ocular surface. Identification of the tumor can be challenging in these cases, and HR-OCT can be a key diagnostic tool in detecting OSSN.



慢性炎症是化生变化和最终发育不良的诱发因素。我们描述了在慢性眼表炎症的情况下发生的 OSSN 病例。 2010 年至 2023 年间,来自一家眼肿瘤诊所的 14 名个体的 16 只眼睛被纳入研究。患者因慢性炎症而出现眼表鳞状细胞瘤 (OSSN)。 OSSN 的诊断均采用眼前节高分辨率光学相干断层扫描 (HR-OCT) 进行,并通过所有病例的组织病理学分析进行证实。就诊时的中位年龄为 61 [IQR 47.5–69.2] 岁。十一人 (86%) 为男性,五人 (36%) 为西班牙裔白人。 10 只眼睛被转诊进行眼表诊断,包括血管翳 (n = 4)、疤痕 (n = 3)、翼状胬肉 (n = 2) 和疱疹性角膜炎 (n = 1)。只有六只眼睛被认为可能存在肿瘤。所有个体都有眼表炎症史。最常见的炎症是眼部红斑痤疮(七人)和特应性角结膜炎(AKC)(五人)。两个人被发现有双侧 OSSN,一个患有眼部红斑痤疮,另一个患有 AKC。根据 HR-OCT 结果,14 人的所有 16 只眼睛被怀疑患有 OSSN,HR-OCT 结果指导了切口活检的位置,随后证实了所有病例的组织病理学诊断。 OSSN 可能在眼表慢性炎症的情况下出现。在这些情况下,肿瘤的识别可能具有挑战性,而 HR-OCT 可以成为检测 OSSN 的关键诊断工具。