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Educators’ hands are tied: The impact of heteronormative and cisnormative discourses on students in faith-based schools in Australia
Journal of Sociology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-04 , DOI: 10.1177/14407833241232682
Bronwyn Fielder 1 , Douglas Ezzy 1 , Angela Dwyer 1

Australian religious conservatives continue to argue that religiously affiliated schools should be able to discriminate based on the sexuality and/or gender identity of students. We argue that this discussion fails to adequately consider the serious harms that discrimination against LGBTQ+ educators has on LGBTQ+ and questioning students. The article uses data from an Australian qualitative study examining the experience of LGBTQ+ educators in religiously affiliated organisations. We describe how heteronormative/cisnormative discourses and discriminatory practices toward LGBTQ+ educators have a direct negative impact on LGBTQ+ students. Even in relatively inclusive schools, the heteronormative and cisnormative climate of the schools is damaging, not only for educators but also for LGBTQ+ students. These serious harms need to be given greater consideration in evaluating the arguments for discriminatory practices in religiously affiliated schools funded by the government to provide education to the general Australian population.



澳大利亚宗教保守派继续认为,宗教附属学校应该能够根据学生的性取向和/或性别认同进行歧视。我们认为,这一讨论未能充分考虑对 LGBTQ+ 教育工作者的歧视对 LGBTQ+ 和质疑学生造成的严重伤害。本文使用了澳大利亚一项定性研究的数据,该研究调查了 LGBTQ+ 教育工作者在宗教附属组织中的经历。我们描述了针对 LGBTQ+ 教育工作者的异性恋/顺恋话语和歧视性做法如何对 LGBTQ+ 学生产生直接的负面影响。即使在相对包容的学校中,学校的异性恋和顺恋氛围也是有害的,不仅对教育工作者而且对 LGBTQ+ 学生也是如此。在评估政府资助的宗教附属学校为澳大利亚普通民众提供教育的歧视性做法的论点时,需要更多地考虑这些严重危害。