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Students’ display of willingness to participate in an extensive reading book club
Language Teaching Research ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-04 , DOI: 10.1177/13621688241232208
Eunseok Ro 1

This study examines interactions in an extensive reading (ER) book club intended to provide opportunities for students to practice English as their second language (L2). Utilizing multimodal conversation analysis, the study shows how students display willingness to participate (WTP) when they are free to initiate or avoid communication. The analysis of seven and a half hours of videorecordings of meetings held over six weeks at a Korean university demonstrates that several practices, particularly responding to questions and expanding on storytelling, reflect WTP. The study particularly highlights the importance of non-verbal cues in signaling and managing the WTP. The study suggests that student initiative can lead to more interactive and engaging learning environments, which may be especially significant in L2 settings where promoting student talk is a primary objective. The findings have implications for educators regarding the dynamics of student participation and agency, and contribute to our understanding of the nuanced relationships between learner initiative and WTP in fluency-oriented language learning contexts.



本研究考察了广泛阅读 (ER) 读书俱乐部中的互动,旨在为学生提供练习英语作为第二语言 (L2) 的机会。该研究利用多模态对话分析,展示了学生在可以自由发起或避免交流时如何表现出参与意愿(WTP)。对韩国一所大学在六周内举行的会议的七个半小时的视频进行的分析表明,一些做法,特别是回答问题和扩展讲故事,反映了WTP。该研究特别强调了非语言线索在发出信号和管理支付意愿方面的重要性。研究表明,学生的主动性可以带来更具互动性和吸引力的学习环境,这在以促进学生谈话为主要目标的第二语言环境中尤其重要。研究结果对于教育工作者关于学生参与和能动性的动态具有重要意义,并有助于我们理解在以流利为导向的语言学习环境中学习者主动性和支付意愿之间的微妙关系。