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Choose Your Weapon: Survival Strategies for Depressed AI Academics [Point of View]
Proceedings of the IEEE ( IF 23.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-04 , DOI: 10.1109/jproc.2024.3364137
Julian Togelius 1 , Georgios N. Yannakakis 2

As someone who does artificial intelligence (AI) research in a university, you develop a complicated relationship with the corporate AI research powerhouses, such as Google DeepMind, OpenAI, and Meta AI. Whenever you see one of these papers that train some kind of gigantic neural net model to do something you were not even sure a neural network could do, unquestionably pushing the state-of-the-art and reconfiguring your ideas of what is possible, you get conflicting emotions. On the one hand, it is very impressive. Good on you for pushing AI forward. On the other hand, how could we possibly keep up? As an AI academic, leading a laboratory with a few Ph.D. students and (if you are lucky) some postdoctoral fellows, perhaps with a few dozen graphics processing units (GPUs) in your laboratory, this kind of research is simply not possible to do.


选择你的武器:抑郁人工智能学者的生存策略 [观点]

作为在大学从事人工智能 (AI) 研究的人,您与 Google DeepMind、OpenAI 和 Meta AI 等企业人工智能研究巨头建立了复杂的关系。每当你看到其中一篇论文训练某种巨大的神经网络模型来做一些你甚至不确定神经网络可以做的事情时,毫无疑问地推动了最先进的技术并重新配置了你对可能性的想法,你产生矛盾的情绪。一方面,它令人印象深刻。非常感谢您推动人工智能向前发展。另一方面,我们怎么可能跟得上呢?作为一名人工智能学者,领导一个拥有数名博士的实验室。学生和(如果幸运的话)一些博士后研究员,也许你的实验室里有几十个图形处理单元(GPU),这种研究根本不可能完成。