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Differential psychophysiological responses associated with decision-making in children from different socioeconomic backgrounds
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-04 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14082
Hernán Delgado 1, 2 , Sebastián Lipina 3, 4 , M Carmen Pastor 5 , Graciela Muniz-Terrera 6, 7 , Ñeranei Menéndez 1 , Richard Rodríguez 1 , Alejandra Carboni 1, 2

This study examined how socioeconomic status (SES) influences on decision-making processing. The roles of anticipatory/outcome-related cardiac activity and awareness of task contingencies were also assessed. One hundred twelve children (Mage = 5.83, SDage = 0.32; 52.7% female, 51.8% low-SES; data collected October–December 2018 and April–December 2019) performed the Children's Gambling Task, while heart rate activity was recorded. Awareness of gain/loss contingencies was assessed after completing the task. Distinct decision-making strategies emerged among low and middle/high-SES children. Despite similar awareness levels between SES groups, future-oriented decision-making was linked solely to the middle/high-SES group. Somatic markers did not manifest unequivocally. However, contrasting cardiac patterns were evident concerning feedback processing and the association between anticipatory activity and awareness (low: acceleration vs. middle/high: deceleration). Results are interpreted from an evolutionary-developmental perspective.



本研究探讨了社会经济地位 (SES) 如何影响决策过程。还评估了预期/结果相关的心脏活动和对任务突发事件的意识的作用。 112 名儿童( M年龄= 5.83,SD年龄= 0.32;52.7% 为女性,51.8% 为低 SES;数据收集于 2018 年 10 月至 12 月和 2019 年 4 月至 12 月)执行了儿童赌博任务,同时记录了心率活动。完成任务后评估对收益/损失意外事件的认识。低社会经济地位和中/高社会经济地位儿童出现了不同的决策策略。尽管社会经济地位群体之间的意识水平相似,但面向未来的决策仅与中/高社会经济地位群体相关。体细胞标记并未明确显现。然而,关于反馈处理以及预期活动和意识之间的关联,对比心脏模式是明显的(低:加速与中/高:减速)。结果是从进化发展的角度解释的。