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Prevalence and Correlates of Depressive and Generalised Anxiety Symptoms Among Female Adolescents in Nepal: Results of a Cross-sectional National Population-Based Survey in 2022
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-024-00963-2
Karl Peltzer , Supa Pengpid

The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and associated factors of major depressive disorder symptoms (MDDs) and generalized anxiety disorder symptoms (GADs) among female adolescents in Nepal. In a national cross-sectional population-based survey of female adolescents (N = 1379; 15–19 years) in Nepal, MDDs was assessed with the PHQ-9 and GADs with the GAD-7. Logistic and Poisson regression were used to estimate predictors of MDDs and GADs. The prevalence of MDDs was 7.8% (4.5% with a cut-off of ≥ 10 scores), and the prevalence of GADs was 13.4% (5.6% with a cut-off of ≥ 10 scores). In multivariable models, older age (17–19 years), higher education, greater wealth status, poor self-rated health status, genital sore or ulcer, currently pregnant, pregnancy loss, alcohol use, and early sexual debut were positively associated with MDDs and/or MDD scores. Older age, greater wealth status, living in the Terai region, poor self-rated health status, current alcohol use, pregnancy loss, big problem with getting permission for medical help were positively associated with GADs and/or GAD scores. About one in ten female adolescents report MDDs or GADs, and several associated factors were identified which can be targeted in mental health interventions in this population.


尼泊尔女性青少年抑郁和广泛性焦虑症状的患病率和相关性:2022 年全国人口横断面调查结果

本研究的目的是评估尼泊尔女性青少年重性抑郁症症状(MDD)和广泛性焦虑症症状(GAD)的患病率和相关因素。在尼泊尔一项针对女性青少年( N = 1379;15-19 岁)的全国横断面人口调查中 ,MDD 使用 PHQ-9 进行评估,GAD 使用 GAD-7 进行评估。 Logistic 和 Poisson 回归用于估计 MDD 和 GAD 的预测因子。 MDD 的患病率为 7.8%(以 ≥ 10 分为界限的情况为 4.5%),GAD 的患病率为 13.4%(以 ≥ 10 分的界限为 5.6%)。在多变量模型中,年龄较大(17-19岁)、受教育程度较高、财富状况较高、自评健康状况较差、生殖器疼痛或溃疡、目前怀孕、流产、饮酒和首次性行为与MDD呈正相关和/或 MDD 分数。年龄较大、财富状况较高、居住在特莱地区、自评健康状况较差、目前饮酒、怀孕流产、获得医疗帮助许可存在较大问题,这些因素与 GAD 和/或 GAD 分数呈正相关。大约十分之一的女性青少年患有 MDD 或 GAD,并且确定了一些相关因素,可以针对该人群进行心理健康干预。
