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Bacterial necromass determines the response of mineral-associated organic matter to elevated CO2
Biology and Fertility of Soils ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s00374-024-01803-2
Yuhong Li , Mouliang Xiao , Liang Wei , Qiong Liu , Zhenke Zhu , Hongzhao Yuan , Jinshui Wu , Jun Yuan , Xiaohong Wu , Yakov Kuzyakov , Tida Ge

Microorganisms regulate soil organic matter (SOM) formation through accumulation and decomposition of microbial necromass, which is directly and indirectly affected by elevated CO2 and N fertilization. We investigated the role of microorganisms in SOM formation by analyzing 13C recovery in microorganisms and carbon pools in paddy soil under two CO2 levels, with and without N fertilization, after continuous 13CO2 labelling was stopped. Microbial turnover transferred 13C from living microbial biomass (determined by the decrease in phospholipid fatty acids) to necromass (determined by the increase in amino sugars). 13C incorporation in fungal living biomass and necromass was higher than that in bacteria. Bacterial turnover was faster than necromass decomposition, resulting in net necromass accumulation over time; fungal necromass remained stable. Elevated CO2 and N fertilization increased the net accumulation of bacterial, but not fungal, necromass. CO2 levels, but not N fertilization, significantly affected 13C incorporation in SOM pools. Elevated CO2 increased 13C in particulate organic matter via the roots, and in the mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) via bacterial, but not fungal, necromass. Overall, bacterial necromass plays a dominant role in the MAOM formation response to elevated CO2 because bacteria are sensitive to elevated CO2.



微生物通过微生物坏死物的积累和分解来调节土壤有机质(SOM)的形成,这直接或间接地受到CO 2和N 施肥升高的影响。我们通过分析连续13 CO 2标记停止后,在两种 CO 2水平下(有和没有施氮肥)稻田土壤中微生物和碳库的13 C 恢复情况,研究了微生物在 SOM 形成中的作用。微生物周转将13 C 从活微生物生物量(由磷脂脂肪酸的减少确定)转移到坏死物(由氨基糖的增加确定)。真菌活生物量和坏死物中的13 C 掺入量高于细菌中的 13 C 掺入量。细菌周转速度快于死灵物分解速度,导致死灵物随着时间的推移而净积累;真菌坏死物保持稳定。升高的CO 2和N 施肥增加了细菌的净积累,但不增加真菌、坏死物的净积累。 CO 2水平显着影响SOM 池中的13 C 掺入,但氮施肥没有影响。 CO 2升高使根部颗粒有机物的温度升高13 °C,而细菌(而非真菌)坏死物使矿物质相关有机物 (MAOM) 的温度升高 13°C。总体而言,细菌坏死物在 CO 2升高的 MAOM 形成反应中起主导作用,因为细菌对 CO 2升高敏感。
