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Transcatheter treatment of the tricuspid valve: current status and perspectives
European Heart Journal ( IF 37.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae082
Francesco Maisano 1 , Rebecca Hahn 2 , Paul Sorajja 3 , Fabien Praz 4 , Philipp Lurz 5

Transcatheter tricuspid valve interventions (TTVI) are emerging as alternatives to surgery in high-risk patients with isolated or concomitant tricuspid regurgitation. The development of new minimally invasive solutions potentially more adapted to this largely undertreated population of patients, has fuelled the interest for the tricuspid valve. Growing evidence and new concepts have contributed to revise obsolete and misleading perceptions around the right side of the heart. New definitions, classifications, and a better understanding of the disease pathophysiology and phenotypes, as well as their associated patient journeys have profoundly and durably changed the landscape of tricuspid disease. A number of registries and a recent randomized controlled pivotal trial provide preliminary guidance for decision-making. TTVI seem to be very safe and effective in selected patients, although clinical benefits beyond improved quality of life remain to be demonstrated. Even if more efforts are needed, increased disease awareness is gaining momentum in the community and supports the establishment of dedicated expert valve centres. This review is summarizing the achievements in the field and provides perspectives for a less invasive management of a no-more-forgotten disease.



经导管三尖瓣介入治疗 (TTVI) 正在成为孤立或合并三尖瓣反流的高危患者的手术替代方案。新的微创解决方案的开发可能更适合这一很大程度上未得到充分治疗的患者群体,这激发了人们对三尖瓣的兴趣。越来越多的证据和新概念有助于纠正关于心脏右侧的过时和误导性认知。新的定义、分类以及对该疾病病理生理学和表型及其相关患者旅程的更好理解已经深刻而持久地改变了三尖瓣疾病的面貌。一些登记处和最近的一项随机对照关键试验为决策提供了初步指导。尽管除了改善生活质量之外的临床益处仍有待证明,但 TTVI 对选定的患者似乎非常安全和有效。即使需要付出更多努力,社区对疾病的认识正在不断增强,并支持建立专门的专家瓣膜中心。这篇综述总结了该领域的成就,并为一种不再被遗忘的疾病的侵入性较小的治疗提供了前景。