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Tokyo in Tashkent: The Afro-Asian Writers Association and Japanese Cold War Dissent
Past & Present ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1093/pastj/gtad027
Christopher L Hill 1

In October 1958, seven Japanese writers attended the first great cultural event of the Bandung era, the week-long Afro-Asian Writers Conference held in Tashkent, the capital of Soviet Uzbekistan. The ‘literary Bandung’ resulted in the creation of the Afro-Asian Writers Association (AAWA), a source of growing interest among historians of anti-colonialism for the institutions it founded to support a literary culture unmediated by London, Paris or New York, and thereby advance political solidarity among colonized and newly independent countries in the so-called Third World. The participation of writers from Japan, a former empire aligned with the United States, has no place in the historiography of post-war Japan, the Cold War or decolonization. Japanese participants and observers used the conference and the AAWA as a means of dissent equally unfamiliar in received narratives. They argued that commitment to the decolonization of Asia and Africa offered a means to resist amnesia about Japan’s colonialist history and obstruct its role in the American empire. The work of Japanese writers in Tashkent and after reveals a broader genealogy of Afro-Asianism and anti-colonial internationalism and opportunities for dissent made possible by crossing between post-imperial and postcolonial worlds in the Bandung era.



1958年10月,七位日本作家出席了在苏维埃乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干举行的万隆时代首个大型文化活动——为期一周的亚非作家会议。“文学万隆”导致了亚非作家协会(AAWA)的成立,该协会成立的机构旨在支持不受伦敦、巴黎或纽约影响的文学文化,反殖民主义历史学家对此越来越感兴趣。从而促进所谓第三世界的殖民地国家和新独立国家之间的政治团结。日本这个曾经与美国结盟的帝国,在日本战后、冷战或非殖民化的史学中没有地位。日本与会者和观察员利用这次会议和 AAWA 作为表达异议的手段,这在人们所接受的叙述中同样不熟悉。他们认为,对亚洲和非洲非殖民化的承诺提供了一种手段,可以防止对日本殖民主义历史的遗忘,并阻碍其在美利坚帝国中的作用。日本作家在塔什干及之后的作品揭示了亚非主义和反殖民国际主义的更广泛的谱系,以及万隆时代后帝国和后殖民世界之间的交叉所带来的异议机会。