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Exploring the effect of chlorhexidine concentration on the biocorrosion behavior of Ti6Al4V for dental implants
Microscopy Research and Technique ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-02 , DOI: 10.1002/jemt.24538
Masoumeh Faramarzi 1 , Sara Shabgard 1 , Vida Khalili 2 , Duygu Ege 3

Corrosion of dental implants is one of the most critical factors in the failure of implant treatments. Generally, corrosion depends on the type of material used in implants and the chemical composition of the oral environment. Due to the antibacterial activities, mouthwashes and chlorhexidine gels are often used after implant surgery. Ti6Al4V is commonly used in manufacturing dental implants. The present study aims to investigate the corrosion behavior of the Ti6Al4V alloy under different concentrations of chlorhexidine (0.12%, 0.2%,and 2%) during 2‐ and 24‐h immersion. This way corrosion may be minimized while obtaining an antibacterial environment around the implant. In this regard, the electrochemical behavior of the specimens was investigated using polarization and impedance tests, and then their morphology, cross‐section and nano‐tribological behavior were evaluated using atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x‐ray spectroscopy, and nano‐scratch test. The results show that using chlorhexidine solution with a concentration of 0.12% could yield a lower corrosion rate and material loss after implant surgery.Research Highlights Open circuit potential values increase with immersion time, which suggests multistage passivation of the surface during immersion in chlorhexidine. Specimens in 0.12% chlorhexidine show improved thermodynamic corrosion resistance. Nano‐scratch testing demonstrates higher scratch resistance for specimens in 0.12% chlorhexidine solution after 2‐h immersion. Higher chlorhexidine concentration than 0.12% and longer immersion times decrease the resistance of the formed passive layer.



牙种植体的腐蚀是种植治疗失败的最关键因素之一。一般来说,腐蚀取决于植入物所用材料的类型和口腔环境的化学成分。由于具有抗菌活性,种植手术后经常使用漱口水和氯己定凝胶。 Ti6Al4V 通常用于制造牙科植入物。本研究旨在研究 Ti6Al4V 合金在不同浓度洗必太(0.12%、0.2% 和 2%)下浸泡 2 小时和 24 小时的腐蚀行为。这样可以最大限度地减少腐蚀,同时在植入物周围获得抗菌环境。在这方面,使用极化和阻抗测试研究了样品的电化学行为,然后使用原子力显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、能量色散X射线光谱和纳米划痕测试。结果表明,使用浓度为0.12%的洗必泰溶液可以降低种植手术后的腐蚀速率和材料损失。 研究亮点开路电位值随着浸泡时间的增加而增加,这表明在氯己定浸泡过程中表面发生了多级钝化。 0.12% 氯己定中的样品显示出改善的热力学腐蚀性能。纳米划痕测试表明,0.12% 洗必太溶液中浸泡 2 小时后的样本具有更高的耐划痕性。高于0.12%的氯己定浓度和较长的浸泡时间会降低形成的钝化层的电阻。