Nano Research ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2015-01-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s12274-014-0695-5 Li Li , Linping Hu , Jin Li , Zidong Wei
Although polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) have received broad attention due to their virtually zero emission, high power density, and high efficiency, at present the limited stability of the electrocatalysts used in PEMFCs is a critical limitation to their large-scale commercialization. As a type of popularly used electrocatalyst material, carbon black supported platinum (Pt/C)—although highly efficient—undergoes corrosion of carbon, Pt dissolution, Ostwald ripening, and aggregation of Pt nanoparticles (NPs) under harsh chemical and electrochemical oxidation conditions, which results in performance degradation of the electrocatalysts. In order to overcome these disadvantages, many groups have tried to improve the carbon support materials on which Pt is loaded. It has been found that some novel carbon nanomaterials and noncarbon materials with high surface areas, sufficient anchoring sites, high electrical conductivities, and high oxidation resistance under the strongly oxidizing condition in PEMFCs are ideal alternative supports. This review highlights the following aspects: (i) Recent advances in using novel carbon nanomaterials and noncarbon support materials to enhance the long-term durability of electrocatalysts; (ii) solutions to improve the electrical conductivity, surface area, and the strong interaction between metal and supports; and (iii) the synergistic effects in hybrid supports which help improve the stability of electrocatalysts.


尽管聚合物电解质膜燃料电池(PEMFC)由于其几乎为零排放,高功率密度和高效率而受到广泛关注,但目前PEMFC中使用的电催化剂的有限稳定性是对其大规模商业化的关键限制。作为一种常用的电催化剂材料,炭黑负载的铂(Pt / C)(虽然效率很高)在苛刻的化学和电化学氧化条件下经历了碳腐蚀,Pt溶解,奥斯特瓦尔德熟化以及Pt纳米颗粒(NP)聚集的问题,这导致电催化剂的性能下降。为了克服这些缺点,许多小组已经尝试改善负载了Pt的碳载体材料。已经发现,在PEMFC中在强氧化条件下具有高表面积,足够的锚固位点,高电导率和高抗氧化性的一些新型碳纳米材料和非碳材料是理想的替代载体。这篇综述突出了以下几个方面:(i)使用新型碳纳米材料和非碳载体材料来增强电催化剂的长期耐久性的最新进展;(ii)改善导电性,表面积以及金属与载体之间的强相互作用的解决方案;(iii)在杂化载体中的协同作用,有助于提高电催化剂的稳定性。PEMFC中在强氧化条件下的高抗氧化性是理想的替代载体。这篇综述突出了以下几个方面:(i)使用新型碳纳米材料和非碳载体材料来增强电催化剂的长期耐久性的最新进展;(ii)改善导电性,表面积以及金属与载体之间的强相互作用的解决方案;(iii)在杂化载体中的协同作用,有助于提高电催化剂的稳定性。PEMFC中在强氧化条件下的高抗氧化性是理想的替代载体。这篇综述突出了以下几个方面:(i)使用新型碳纳米材料和非碳载体材料来增强电催化剂的长期耐久性的最新进展;(ii)改善导电性,表面积以及金属与载体之间的强相互作用的解决方案;(iii)在杂化载体中的协同作用,有助于提高电催化剂的稳定性。金属与支撑物之间的强烈相互作用;(iii)在杂化载体中的协同作用,有助于提高电催化剂的稳定性。金属与支撑物之间的强烈相互作用;(iii)在杂化载体中的协同作用,有助于提高电催化剂的稳定性。