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Cnoidal waves and their soliton limits in single mode fiber lasers
Photonics Research ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1364/prj.508144
Xiao Hu , Tupei Chen , Seongwoo Yoo , Dingyuan Tang

Cnoidal waves are a type of nonlinear periodic wave solutions of the nonlinear dynamic equations. They are well known in fluid dynamics, but it is not the case in optics. In this paper we show both experimentally and numerically that cnoidal waves could be formed in a fiber laser either in the net normal or net anomalous cavity dispersion regime, especially because, as the pump power is increased, the formed cnoidal waves could eventually evolve into a train of bright (in the net anomalous cavity dispersion regime) or dark (in the net normal cavity dispersion regime) solitons. Numerical simulations of the laser operation based on the extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) have well reproduced the experimental observations. The result not only explains why solitons can still be formed in a fiber laser even without mode locking but also suggests a new effective way of automatic stable periodic pulse train generation in lasers with a nonlinear cavity.


