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Extreme single-excitation subradiance from two-band Bloch oscillations in atomic arrays
Photonics Research ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1364/prj.506450
Luojia Wang , Da-Wei Wang 1 , Luqi Yuan , Yaping Yang 2 , Xianfeng Chen 3, 4

Atomic arrays provide an important quantum optical platform with photon-mediated dipole–dipole interactions that can be engineered to realize key applications in quantum information processing. A major obstacle for such applications is the fast decay of the excited states. By controlling two-band Bloch oscillations of single excitation in an atomic array under an external magnetic field, here we show that exotic subradiance can be realized and maintained with orders of magnitude longer than the spontaneous decay time in atomic arrays with the finite size. The key finding is to show a way for preventing the wavepacket of excited states scattering into the dissipative zone inside the free space light cone, which therefore leads to the excitation staying at a subradiant state for an extremely long decay time. We show that such operation can be achieved by introducing a spatially linear potential from the external magnetic field in the atomic arrays and then manipulating interconnected two-band Bloch oscillations along opposite directions. Our results also point out the possibility of controllable switching between superradiant and subradiant states, which leads to potential applications in quantum storage.


