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Geochemical dispersion of gold-bearing quartz veins in the Wadi Abu Khusheiba area in Southern Jordan
Geochemical Transactions ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-02 , DOI: 10.1186/s12932-024-00085-9
Mariam Mosleh 1, 2 , Jasmi Hafiz Abdul Aziz 1 , Muhammad Hatta Roselee 1 , Ahmed Al-Shorman 3 , Mahmoud Al Tamimi 4 , Abdelkarim Alsoudi 5

This study delves into the geochemical dispersion of gold-bearing quartz veins in the Wadi Abu Khusheiba area, southern Jordan, with a focus on uncovering the complex patterns of mineralization and their geological significance. Employing an in-depth geochemical analysis of 24 rock samples from the region, we identified that these samples are predominantly hosted by oversaturated rhyolitic rocks, characterized by high SiO2 content and abundant free Quartz and orthoclase minerals. The mineralized zone of the quartz veins is particularly notable for its gold and silver concentrations, with maximum values reaching up to 5 ppm for gold and 18 ppm for silver. Our investigation into the elemental correlations revealed nuanced relationships, dependent on the 21 sample and analyzed at confidence level of (85%). Contrary to initial assumptions, we did not find a significant positive correlation between gold (Au) and arsenic (As), nor significant negative correlations between gold and other trace elements. These insights are critical for understanding the geochemical behavior of gold in the area and offer a nuanced view of elemental associations. The results of this study are significant for both academic research and practical exploration. They enhance our comprehension of the geological history and mineralization processes in Wadi Abu Khusheiba, providing valuable data that can inform future exploration strategies and deepen our understanding of mineral deposition in similar geological settings. This research not only contributes to the scientific community’s knowledge of the area’s geochemistry but also has potential implications for the mining and exploration industries.


约旦南部 Wadi Abu Kusheiba 地区含金石英脉的地球化学分布

这项研究深入研究了约旦南部瓦迪阿布库谢巴地区含金石英脉的地球化学分散情况,重点是揭示复杂的矿化模式及其地质意义。通过对该地区 24 个岩石样本进行深入的地球化学分析,我们发现这些样本主要由过饱和流纹岩组成,其特点是 SiO2 含量高和丰富的游离石英和正长石矿物。石英脉的矿化带以其金和银的浓度而闻名,金和银的最大值分别达到 5 ppm 和 18 ppm。我们对元素相关性的调查揭示了微妙的关系,这取决于 21 个样本,并以 (85%) 的置信水平进行分析。与最初的假设相反,我们没有发现金(Au)和砷(As)之间存在显着的正相关性,也没有发现金和其他微量元素之间存在显着的负相关性。这些见解对于了解该地区黄金的地球化学行为至关重要,并提供了元素关联的细致入微的观点。本研究成果无论对于学术研究还是实践探索都具有重要意义。它们增强了我们对阿布库谢巴干河的地质历史和矿化过程的理解,提供了宝贵的数据,可以为未来的勘探策略提供信息,并加深我们对类似地质环境中矿物沉积的理解。这项研究不仅有助于科学界对该地区地球化学的了解,而且对采矿和勘探行业也具有潜在影响。