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Digitalisation and the welfare state – how First Nations people experienced digitalised social security under the Cashless Debit Card
Journal of Sociology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1177/14407833241232636
Shelley Bielefeld 1

Digitalisation of the welfare state has intensified in recent years, with burdens unevenly distributed between technology advocates and those receiving government income support. Putting in place processes where people needing social security must meet mandatory requirements of digital literacy and divert a significant amount of their small incomes to pay for expensive technologies such as computers, smartphones, and data plans comes at a cost. This article examines lived experiences of First Nations Cashless Debit Card (CDC) holders who experienced digitalisation of their social security payments. Under the CDC, a range of restrictions were placed on purchases, spending social security income came with stigma, technology troubles meant that income was less secure, and Indigenous peoples’ autonomy was undermined. Although the CDC has since been abolished, these issues remain relevant as a new cashless social security card, the SmartCard, has been introduced in 2023.



近年来,福利国家的数字化不断加强,技术倡导者和接受政府收入支持的人之间的负担分配不均。制定流程要求需要社会保障的人们必须满足数字素养的强制性要求,并将大量的微薄收入用于支付计算机、智能手机和数据计划等昂贵的技术,这是有代价的。本文探讨了原住民无现金借记卡 (CDC) 持有者的生活经历,他们经历了社会保障支付的数字化。在疾病预防控制中心的领导下,购买受到了一系列限制,花费社会保障收入会带来耻辱,技术问题意味着收入不太安全,土著人民的自治权受到损害。尽管 CDC 此后已被废除,但随着新型无现金社会保障卡 SmartCard 于 2023 年推出,这些问题仍然存在。