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Copper-γ-cyclodextrin complexes immobilized on hexagonal boron nitride as an efficient catalyst in the multicomponent synthesis of 1,2,3-triazoles
Journal of Catalysis ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-20 09:02:18
Ruifang Nie, Rui Sang, Xiaojun Ma, Yang Zheng, Xu Cheng, Weijian Li, Li Guo, Hui Jin, Yong Wu

A copper-γ-cyclodextrin complex immobilized on hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN@γ-CD@Cu(OAc)2) has been prepared for the first time. This recoverable and reusable heterogeneous catalyst can be used in the click synthesis of 1,2,3-triazoles via a one-pot three-component reaction of boracic acid, terminal alkynes, and sodium azide at room temperature in water. FT-IR, XRD, SEM, XPS, TG, and ICP-AES techniques were used to characterize the catalyst. In general, this reaction, with the aid of this new catalyst, afforded the corresponding products with good yields and excellent tolerance of the functional groups.



首次制备了固定在六方氮化硼上的铜-γ-环糊精配合物(h-BN @γ-CD@ Cu(OAc)2)。这种可回收和可重复使用的非均相催化剂可在室温下于水中通过硼酸,末端炔烃和叠氮化钠的一锅式三组分反应用于1,2,3-三唑的点击合成。FT-IR,XRD,SEM,XPS,TG和ICP-AES技术用于表征催化剂。通常,在这种新型催化剂的帮助下,该反应提供了具有良好产率和对官能团的优异耐受性的相应产物。