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Mode substitution induced by electric mobility hubs: Results from Amsterdam
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104118
Fanchao Liao , Jaap Vleugel , Gustav Bösehans , Dilum Dissanayake , Neil Thorpe , Margaret Bell , Bart van Arem , Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia

Electric mobility hubs (eHUBS) are locations where multiple shared electric modes including electric cars and e-bikes are available. To assess their potential to reduce private car use, it is important to investigate to what extent people would switch to eHUBS modes after their introduction. Moreover, people may adapt their behaviour differently depending on their current travel mode. This study is based on stated preference data collected in Amsterdam. We analysed the data using mixed logit models. We found that users of different modes not only have varied general preferences for different shared modes but also have different sensitivity for attributes such as travel time and cost. Public transport users are more likely to switch to eHUBS modes than car users. People who bike and walk have strong inertia, but the percentage choosing eHUBS modes doubles when the trip distance is longer (5 or 10 km).



电动交通枢纽 (eHUBS) 是提供电动汽车和电动自行车等多种共享电动模式的地点。为了评估其减少私家车使用的潜力,重要的是要调查人们在引入 eHUBS 模式后会在多大程度上转向该模式。此外,人们可能会根据当前的出行方式不同地调整自己的行为。这项研究基于在阿姆斯特丹收集的规定偏好数据。我们使用混合 Logit 模型分析数据。我们发现不同模式的用户不仅对不同共享模式有不同的总体偏好,而且对出行时间和费用等属性也有不同的敏感度。公共交通用户比汽车用户更有可能改用 eHUBS 模式。骑自行车和步行的人惯性较强,但当出行距离较长(5或10公里)时,选择eHUBS模式的比例会增加一倍。