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Public transportation-based crowd-shipping initiatives: Are users willing to participate? Why not?
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.104019
Seyed Sina Mohri , Neema Nassir , Russell G. Thompson , Patricia Sauri Lavieri

An emerging stream of Crowd-Shipping (CS) solutions focuses on existing momentum in Public Transportation (PT) to ship viable delivery packages by PT passengers. Few studies have explored the package delivery acceptance behavior of passengers engaged in PT-based CS initiatives while passengers’ behavioral intention to participate (i.e., engage) is not studied. It is requisite that newly introduced CS platforms explore their potential crowdshippers’ behavior on intention to participate and set efficient marketing strategies. Given survey data collected from 2208 PT passengers in Sydney metropolitan area, this study explores the intention of PT passengers as crowd-shippers to participate in PT-based CS initiatives, as well as prohibiting factors in way of participation. Accordingly, a binominal logit model is developed whereby the variables impacting the intention to participate are identified. Then, using an inductive thematic analysis, 917 reasons (text responses) for not participating are scrutinized, and the prohibiting factors are identified and categorized. Considering demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, the study reveals to what degree passengers with different characteristics are sensitive to prohibiting factors. This research provides several practical insights that can assist in successfully defining, launching, and advertising a new PT-based CS initiative. As a key finding, it is observed that women, full-time employees, elderly, retirees, and low-income PT passengers hardly participate, while the youth, individuals with a positive attitude towards sustainable freight initiatives, and those who experienced working with parcel lockers would participate with a higher probability. Moreover, it is observed that factors relating to time availability/flexibility and physical health condition/importance of passengers are much more important than the compensation level for passengers to accept to participate in PT-based CS initiatives.



新兴的众包运输 (CS) 解决方案侧重于公共交通 (PT) 的现有势头,由 PT 乘客运送可行的送货包裹。很少有研究探讨参与基于 PT 的 CS 举措的乘客的包裹递送接受行为,而没有研究乘客参与(即参与)的行为意图。新推出的CS平台有必要探索潜在众筹者的参与意愿行为,并制定有效的营销策略。本研究基于悉尼市区2208名PT乘客的调查数据,探讨了PT乘客作为众包者参与基于PT的CS举措的意图以及参与方式中的禁止因素。因此,开发了二项 Logit 模型,从而确定了影响参与意图的变量。然后,使用归纳主题分析,仔细审查 917 个不参与的原因(文本回复),并对禁止因素进行识别和分类。考虑到受访者的人口和社会经济特征,该研究揭示了不同特征的乘客对禁止因素的敏感程度。这项研究提供了一些实用的见解,可以帮助成功定义、启动和宣传基于 PT 的新 CS 计划。一项重要发现是,女性、全职员工、老年人、退休人员和低收入 PT 乘客几乎不参与,而年轻人、对可持续货运倡议持积极态度的个人以及有过包裹工作经验的人储物柜参与的概率更高。此外,据观察,与乘客的时间可用性/灵活性和身体健康状况/重要性相关的因素比乘客接受参与基于 PT 的 CS 计划的补偿水平重要得多。