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Influence of the type of stem and its fixation on revision and immediate postoperative mortality in elective total hip arthroplasty.
The Bone & Joint Journal ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1302/0301-620x.106b3.bjj-2023-0820.r2
Michael Morlock 1 , Carsten Perka 2 , Oliver Melsheimer 3 , Stephanie M. Kirschbaum 2

Despite higher rates of revision after total hip arthroplasty (THA) being reported for uncemented stems in patients aged > 75 years, they are frequently used in this age group. Increased mortality after cemented fixation is often used as a justification, but recent data do not confirm this association. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the design of the stem and the type of fixation on the rate of revision and immediate postoperative mortality, focusing on the age and sex of the patients.



尽管据报道,75 岁以上患者的全髋关节置换术 (THA) 后未骨水泥柄的翻修率较高,但该年龄组仍经常使用它们。骨水泥固定后死亡率增加通常被用作理由,但最近的数据并未证实这种关联。本研究的目的是调查柄的设计和固定类型对翻修率和术后即刻死亡率的影响,重点关注患者的年龄和性别。