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Design and Evaluation of Bio-Based Industrial Symbiosis System Producing Energy and Chemicals Using Regionally Available Crop Residue
Resources, Conservation and Recycling ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2024.107509
Thuy T.H. Nguyen , Wahyu S. Putro , Jun-Chul Choi , Norihisa Fukaya , Satoshi Taniguchi , Takehiro Yamaki , Nobuo Hara , Sho Kataoka

This study aims to design and evaluate the feasibility of a bio-based industrial symbiosis (BIS) system operated using rice husk (RH), whose combustion produces CO, RH ash (RHA), and thermal energy. CO and RHA are used to produce diethyl carbonate (DEC) and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), respectively. Thermal energy is used to generate different utilities for operating the entire system. The BIS system was designed and optimized under constraint of RH available amount. Net present value (NPV) and potential CO reduction (PCR) were used to evaluate and compare the BIS’ performance with that of reference systems, namely, bioenergy with carbon capture and utilization/storage systems (BECCU/S) without RHA valorization. Depending on DEC and TEOS production scales, the BIS system has NPV ranging from $-11.3 million to $41.7 million. It can maximally reduce 26.1 kton CO/year, 17% and 162% more CO than BECCS and BECCU systems, respectively. Thus, it can be proposed as a feasible pathway for long-term CO mitigation.



本研究旨在设计和评估使用稻壳 (RH) 运行的生物基工业共生 (BIS) 系统的可行性,稻壳燃烧产生 CO、RH 灰分 (RHA) 和热能。CO 和 RHA 分别用于生产碳酸二乙酯 (DEC) 和四乙氧基硅烷 (TEOS)。热能用于产生不同的公用设施来运行整个系统。BIS系统是在RH可用量约束下设计和优化的。净现值 (NPV) 和潜在二氧化碳减排 (PCR) 用于评估和比较 BIS 的性能与参考系统的性能,即具有碳捕获和利用/存储系统 (BECCU/S) 的生物能源,无需 RHA 增值。根据 DEC 和 TEOS 的生产规模,BIS 系统的 NPV 范围为 -1130 万美元至 4170 万美元。它每年最多可减少 26.1 吨二氧化碳排放,比 BECCS 和 BECCU 系统分别减少 17% 和 162%。因此,它可以被提议作为长期二氧化碳减排的可行途径。