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The Effects of Problem-Based, Project-Based, and Case-Based Learning on Students’ Motivation: a Meta-Analysis
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-024-09864-3
Lisette Wijnia , Gera Noordzij , Lidia R. Arends , Remigius M. J. P. Rikers , Sofie M. M. Loyens

In this meta-analysis, we examined the effects on students’ motivation of student-centered, problem-driven learning methods compared to teacher-centered/lecture-based learning. Specifically, we considered problem-based (PBL), project-based (PjBL), and case-based learning (CBL). We viewed motivation as a multifaceted construct consisting of students’ beliefs (competence and control beliefs), perceptions of task value (interest and importance), and reasons for engaging in tasks (intrinsic or extrinsic). In addition, we included students’ attitudes toward school subjects (e.g., science). We included 139 subsamples from the 132 included reports (83 PBL, 37 PjBL, and 19 CBL subsamples). Overall, PBL, PjBL, and CBL had a small to moderate, heterogeneous positive effect (d = 0.498) on motivation. Moderator analyses revealed that larger effect sizes were found for students’ beliefs, values, and attitudes compared to students’ reasons for studying. No differences were found between the three instructional methods on motivation. However, effect sizes were larger when problem-driven learning was applied in a single course (when compared to a curriculum-level approach). Larger effects were also found in some academic domains (i.e., healthcare and STEM) than in others. While the impact of problem-driven learning on motivation is generally positive, the intricate interplay of factors such as academic domain and implementation level underscores the need for a nuanced approach to leveraging these instructional methods effectively with regard to increasing student motivation.



在这项荟萃分析中,我们研究了以学生为中心、问题驱动的学习方法与以教师为中心/基于讲座的学习方法相比对学生动机的影响。具体来说,我们考虑了基于问题的学习 (PBL)、基于项目的学习 (PjBL) 和基于案例的学习 (CBL)。我们将动机视为一个多方面的结构,包括学生的信念(能力和控制信念)、对任务价值的看法(兴趣和重要性)以及参与任务的原因(内在或外在)。此外,我们还考虑了学生对学校科目(例如科学)的态度。我们从 132 份纳入报告中纳入了 139 个子样本(83 个 PBL、37 个 PjBL 和 19 个 CBL 子样本)。总体而言,PBL、PjBL 和 CBL 对动机具有小到中度、异质性的积极影响 ( d  = 0.498)。主持人分析显示,与学生的学习原因相比,学生的信仰、价值观和态度的影响更大。三种教学方法在动机方面没有发现差异。然而,当问题驱动学习应用于单一课程时(与课程水平方法相比),效果更大。在某些学术领域(即医疗保健和 STEM)中也发现了比其他领域更大的影响。虽然问题驱动学习对动机的影响通常是积极的,但学术领域和实施水平等因素错综复杂的相互作用强调需要采取细致入微的方法来有效利用这些教学方法来提高学生的动机。
