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Shattered hierarchy: how the Gaza conflict demolished Maslow’s pyramid of needs
Current Psychology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s12144-024-05784-1
Muna Abed Alah

Conflicts and wars have a profound impact on human needs, as vividly illustrated by the ongoing crisis in Gaza. This paper aims to systematically examine how these crises affect individuals’ ability to meet their basic and higher-order needs, as conceptualized by Maslow’s hierarchy. By employing Maslow’s framework, this paper seeks to uncover the specific ways in which conflict disrupts the fulfillment of essential human needs and to identify targeted interventions that can mitigate these effects. Through this focused lens, I hope to contribute to a deeper understanding that supports efforts to end the war. In this paper, a methodical approach that integrates a review of online news, media reports, published official reports from international organizations, and academic publications was adopted to identify the current challenges in Gaza impacting the different levels of need. An exploration through the framework of Maslow’s hierarchy revealed the extensive humanitarian challenges stemming from the blockade and military actions since 2008. There are significant disruptions across all levels of Maslow’s hierarchy. Despite the severe compromise in basic needs like safety and physiological sustenance, there is a notable resilience in the pursuit of transcendence needs among the residents by transcending personal suffering through acts of solidarity, altruism, and community engagement and exhibiting a deeper sense of spirituality and faith that provide solace and a sense of connection to a larger purpose. There is an urgent need to end the conflict, facilitate unrestricted aid, and address the multifaceted needs of Gaza’s population. Strategies that support both immediate survival and long-term personal and communal growth in the face of adversity are critically needed. Essential initiatives include establishing community support networks for critical needs like food, shelter, and healthcare, alongside promoting economic stability through livelihood projects. Additionally, the development of online education programs offering vocational training and digital literacy, in partnership with international institutions, is crucial. These initiatives, tailored to Gaza’s context and aimed at overcoming siege-related barriers, are vital for empowering residents with the skills for community rebuilding, economic self-sufficiency, and enhanced social cohesion. Such strategies are indispensable for addressing immediate adversities while laying a foundation for sustainable future growth.



冲突和战争对人类需求产生深远影响,加沙持续的危机生动地说明了这一点。本文旨在系统地研究这些危机如何影响个人满足其基本需求和高阶需求的能力,正如马斯洛层次理论所概念化的那样。通过采用马斯洛的框架,本文试图揭示冲突破坏人类基本需求满足的具体方式,并确定可以减轻这些影响的有针对性的干预措施。通过这个聚焦的镜头,我希望有助于加深理解,支持结束战争的努力。本文采用了一种系统的方法,综合了对在线新闻、媒体报道、国际组织发布的官方报告和学术出版物的审查,以确定加沙目前影响不同需求水平的挑战。对马斯洛层次结构框架的探索揭示了自 2008 年以来的封锁和军事行动所带来的广泛的人道主义挑战。马斯洛层次结构的各个层面都存在重大破坏。尽管安全和生理维持等基本需求受到严重损害,但居民在追求超越需求方面表现出显着的韧性,通过团结、利他主义和社区参与的行为来超越个人痛苦,并表现出更深层次的灵性和信仰提供安慰和与更大目标的联系感。迫切需要结束冲突、促进无限制的援助并满足加沙人民的多方面需求。面对逆境,迫切需要支持当前生存和长期个人和社区成长的策略。基本举措包括建立满足食品、住房和医疗保健等关键需求的社区支持网络,同时通过民生项目促进经济稳定。此外,与国际机构合作开发提供职业培训和数字素养的在线教育项目也至关重要。这些举措针对加沙的具体情况,旨在克服与围困有关的障碍,对于赋予居民社区重建、经济自给自足和增强社会凝聚力的技能至关重要。这些战略对于解决眼前的困难、同时为未来的可持续增长奠定基础是不可或缺的。
