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How Much Bullying and Discrimination Are Reported by Sexual and Gender Minorities in Orthopaedics?
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1097/corr.0000000000003009
Yogesh Kumaran 1 , Jaime Bellamy 2 , Ryann Maciejewski 3 , Kirsten Tulchin-Francis 4 , Julie Balch Samora 4

Discriminatory practices against minority populations are prominent, especially in the workplace. In particular, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ+) individuals experience several barriers and stressors more often than individuals who do not identify as LGBTQ+. Mistreatment is common among these individuals in their personal and professional lives. However, representation and perceptions of discrimination and bullying among attendings, residents, medical students, and other professionals who identify as LGBTQ+ and are "out" (openly acknowledging and expressing one's sexual orientation or gender identity) is seldom studied in orthopaedic surgery.



针对少数群体的歧视行为十分突出,尤其是在工作场所。特别是,女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者和酷儿或质疑者 (LGBTQ+) 个体比非 LGBTQ+ 个体更容易经历多种障碍和压力源。在这些人的个人和职业生活中,虐待很常见。然而,骨科手术中却很少研究 LGBTQ+ 和“出柜”(公开承认和表达自己的性取向或性别认同)的主治医生、住院医师、医学生和其他专业人员对歧视和欺凌的表征和看法。