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An Integrated Deposition and Passivation Strategy for Controlled Crystallization of 2D/3D Halide Perovskite Films
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202309154
Tim Kodalle 1, 2 , Mahdi Malekshahi Byranvand 3, 4 , Meredith Goudreau 1 , Chittaranjan Das 3, 4 , Rajarshi Roy 3 , Małgorzata Kot 5 , Simon Briesenick 1, 6 , Mohammadreza Zohdi 3 , Monika Rai 3 , Nobumichi Tamura 2 , Jan Ingo Flege 5 , Wolfram Hempel 7 , Carolin M Sutter-Fella 1 , Michael Saliba 3, 4

This work introduces a simplified deposition procedure for multidimensional (2D/3D) perovskite thin films, integrating a phenethylammonium chloride (PEACl)-treatment into the antisolvent step when forming the 3D perovskite. This simultaneous deposition and passivation strategy reduces the number of synthesis steps while simultaneously stabilizing the halide perovskite film and improving the photovoltaic performance of resulting solar cell devices to 20.8%. Using a combination of multimodal in situ and additional ex situ characterizations, it is demonstrated that the introduction of PEACl during the perovskite film formation slows down the crystal growth process, which leads to a larger average grain size and narrower grain size distribution, thus reducing carrier recombination at grain boundaries and improving the device's performance and stability. The data suggests that during annealing of the wet film, the PEACl diffuses to the surface of the film, forming hydrophobic (quasi-)2D structures that protect the bulk of the perovskite film from humidity-induced degradation.


用于 2D/3D 卤化物钙钛矿薄膜受控结晶的集成沉积和钝化策略

这项工作介绍了一种多维(2D/3D)钙钛矿薄膜的简化沉积程序,在形成 3D 钙钛矿时将苯乙基氯化铵(PEACl)处理集成到反溶剂步骤中。这种同时沉积和钝化的策略减少了合成步骤的数量,同时稳定了卤化物钙钛矿薄膜,并将所得太阳能电池器件的光伏性能提高到20.8%。结合多峰原位和额外的非原位表征,证明在钙钛矿薄膜形成过程中引入 PEACl 会减慢晶体生长过程,从而导致更大的平均晶粒尺寸和更窄的晶粒尺寸分布,从而减少载流子晶界处的复合并提高器件的性能和稳定性。数据表明,在湿膜退火过程中,PEACl 扩散到膜表面,形成疏水性(准)2D 结构,保护大部分钙钛矿膜免受湿度引起的降解。