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Biophysical Characterization and Cryopreservation of Mammalian Cells Using Ionic Liquids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c06797
Miyah N Awad 1 , Stuart J Brown 1 , Amanda N Abraham 1, 2 , Dilek Sezer 1 , Qi Han 1 , Xiaoying Wang 3, 4 , Tu C Le 3 , Aaron Elbourne 1 , Gary Bryant 1 , Tamar L Greaves 1 , Saffron J Bryant 1

Ionic liquids (ILs) are a diverse class of solvents which can be selected for task-specific properties, making them attractive alternatives to traditional solvents. To tailor ILs for specific biological applications, it is necessary to understand the structure–property relationships of ILs and their interactions with cells. Here, a selection of carboxylate anion-based ILs were investigated as cryoprotectants, which are compounds added to cells before freezing to mitigate lethal freezing damage. The cytotoxicity, cell permeability, thermal behavior, and cryoprotective efficacy of the ILs were assessed with two model mammalian cell lines. We found that the biophysical interactions, including permeability of the ILs, were influenced by considering the IL pair together, rather than as single species acting independently. All of the ILs tested had high cytotoxicity, but ethylammonium acetate demonstrated good cryoprotective efficacy for both cell types tested. These results demonstrate that despite toxicity, ILs may be suitable for certain biological applications. It also demonstrates that more research is required to understand the contribution of ion pairs to structure–property relationships and that knowing the behavior of a single ionic species will not necessarily predict its behavior as part of an IL.



离子液体 (IL) 是一类多种溶剂,可以根据特定任务的特性进行选择,使其成为传统溶剂的有吸引力的替代品。为了针对特定的生物应用定制 IL,有必要了解 IL 的结构-性质关系及其与细胞的相互作用。在这里,研究了一系列基于羧酸盐阴离子的 IL 作为冷冻保护剂,这些化合物是在冷冻前添加到细胞中以减轻致命的冷冻损伤的化合物。用两种模型哺乳动物细胞系评估 ILs 的细胞毒性、细胞通透性、热行为和冷冻保护功效。我们发现,生物物理相互作用,包括 IL 的渗透性,是通过将 IL 对一起考虑,而不是作为独立作用的单个物种来影响的。所有测试的 IL 都具有很高的细胞毒性,但乙酸乙基铵对两种测试的细胞类型都显示出良好的冷冻保护功效。这些结果表明,尽管具有毒性,但 IL 可能适用于某些生物学应用。它还表明,需要更多的研究来了解离子对对结构-性质关系的贡献,并且了解单个离子物质的行为不一定能预测其作为 IL 一部分的行为。