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Exploring pre-neolithic environmental dynamics: paleoecology around the Göbekli Tepe based on a multiproxy approach in southeastern Türkiye
Plant and Soil ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11104-024-06548-3
Demet Biltekin , Abdülkadir Güzel , Mehmet Özcanlı , Dila Doğa Gökgöz , Mehmet Akbıyık

Background and aims

Paleoecological findings from soil samples recovered near the Göbekli Tepe indicate an environment that sustains a variety of multiproxy analyses, revealing prominent changes in ecological conditions.


Soil samples were collected in the vicinity of the pre-Neolithic site in the Göbekli Tepe. These sediment samples underwent comprehensive analysis utilizing a multiproxy approach, which included pollen analysis, total organic carbon (TOC) and total inorganic carbon (TOC) measurements, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) elemental analysis.


Total organic carbon varied significantly in the SK-1 section, with lower levels at the bottom and higher levels at the top. The Ca/Ti ratio, which is indicative of weathering and moisture availability, typically increased in the early Holocene and briefly decreased at approximately 13,354 years BP. The Sr/Ti ratio, related to weathering and erosion processes, also suggests intensified weathering. The presence of deciduous forests and the increase in organic carbon values further support the notion of favorable environmental conditions during the early Holocene. In contrast, the lower levels of SK-1 show lower organic carbon values, lower Ca/Ti and Sr/Ti ratios, and greater abundances of herbaceous plants and steppes, indicating colder and drier conditions at 13,354 years BP.


A significant increase in organic carbon values and the presence of deciduous Quercus in the upper levels of the SK-3 section suggest a period of increased organic productivity and the existence of deciduous forests during the early Holocene at the Göbekli Tepe.






土壤样本是在哥贝克力石阵前新石器时代遗址附近采集的。这些沉积物样本利用多代理方法进行了全面分析,包括花粉分析、总有机碳 (TOC) 和总无机碳 (TOC) 测量以及 X 射线荧光 (XRF) 元素分析。


SK-1 剖面的总有机碳变化显着,底部水平较低,顶部水平较高。Ca/Ti 比率指示风化和水分可用性,通常在全新世早期增加,并在距今 13,354 年左右短暂下降。与风化和侵蚀过程相关的 Sr/Ti 比率也表明风化作用加剧。落叶林的存在和有机碳值的增加进一步支持了全新世早期有利环境条件的概念。相比之下,较低水平的SK-1显示出较低的有机碳值、较低的Ca/Ti和Sr/Ti比率以及较高的草本植物和草原丰度,表明距今13,354年的条件较冷和干燥。


有机碳值的显着增加以及SK-3 剖面上层落叶栎树的存在表明,在全新世早期,哥贝克力石阵经历了有机生产力增加的时期以及落叶林的存在。
